Tue, Feb 11, 2:03 AM CST

Perfection and Love

Fractal Fantasy posted on Apr 02, 2009
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With love I live, with love I give... with love I make this world a better place to live. Love makes the world go 'round. Love characterizes our life and relationships. In all the world there is no substitute for love. Love softens a hard heart. Love makes sad times more bearable. So today... just for today... let us live from a place of love. Let us open our hearts and minds to our greater good and live our lives from the inside out. Today we shall feel love... today we shall give love... today we shall be love. For when we have our living, moving and being as love, we shall know only compassion for others and ourselves. We shall venture into that space that is filled with peace and tranquility and we shall know the joy of giving to ourselves and to others. It will, to be sure, be a day for us to remember... a day when we discover that we were made in the image of perfection and love. Our thought for the day is: 'What I think I am. Today I shall think love.' Gayle O May you always know the joy and peace which is you. © Gayle O This is a single flame created in Apophysis 3D Hack 2.08. The seed script for this flame was the spherical loonie foci scripts by parrotdolphin at Deviant Art. There were some tweaks by me. Post work was done in PSP. You can find the script here: http://parrotdolphin.deviantart.com/art/Spherical-Loonie-Foci-Scripts-113107025 Thank you for stopping by to share a moment in time with me. I appreciate you viewing my art and leaving comments on my images. Each one is like a precious jewel and that I will always treasure. I send a most heart felt thank you to those of you who have favored me as an artist or have favored one of my images. You make my world a little brighter and bring rainbows to my valley of life. What a wonderful gift to receive. May the light of love fill your heart with joy and may that joy bring to you an unending happiness for life. Namaste.

Comments (59)



12:56AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Well I can honestly say I LOVE this! Excellent work!


12:56AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Such wise words, Gayle. They bring a thought to my mind. We may not always find it easy to love others, but when that happens, we can turn our love onto ourselves? In fact, can we truly love others without fully loving ourselves. That is a great place to start. Your image has so much beautiful interconnectedness, depicting intertwining relationships. The caramel color makes me think how sweet our relationships can be if we let our love for our own selves project and be given to others. It sticks like caramel, too. :)



1:16AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Excellent work and words! Well done! I love it as well



1:39AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

in true love, no offense is ever taken, nor cold it ever be given ... it is the end of ego and an unshakable state of equanimity, a very high spiritual state. excellent fractal!



1:47AM | Thu, 02 April 2009




1:55AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Fantastic fractal and framing.Great work!!!



2:23AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Stunning work Gayle, I do like the entwined design. The colours are beautiful. Heartwarming words too !



2:30AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

outstanding !



2:38AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

A truly inspired and phenominally beautiful work of art. Well done, Gayle.



3:31AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Great Fractal!



6:36AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

EXCELLENT and very elaborate !!!



7:29AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Simply a splendid job on this one Gayle, really moving my friend



7:37AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Wonderful and my favorite subject too! Super Hun!



8:53AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Beautiful words and image



10:13AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

inteeresting, complex, amorphous



10:35AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Excellent piece of work and design.



10:36AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Nice work Gayle, almost Escher-like when you try to follow those loops.



10:52AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

love yourself then the rest can be easier wonderful work warm hug, Linda



11:31AM | Thu, 02 April 2009

A very powerful message!



11:46AM | Thu, 02 April 2009




12:23PM | Thu, 02 April 2009

wonderful work!!!!!!



12:36PM | Thu, 02 April 2009

excellent art fractals...compliment..!!!



1:01PM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Marvalous Gayle!



1:11PM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Gayle, this is splendid work! Wonderful image and words!



1:19PM | Thu, 02 April 2009

stunning piece Gayle



1:27PM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Wonderful composition and dynamism, Gayle!!!



5:26PM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Fantastic made again Gayle!!! You always surprise me with new shapes and wonderful colour combinations!! Hugs Ute



6:00PM | Thu, 02 April 2009

beautiful image and wonderful words gayle!!


6:39PM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Wow – this is fascinating and very well done!! I’ve tried this script and haven’t gotten anything near this type of quality.



7:14PM | Thu, 02 April 2009

Gorgeous forms and design. Splendid colors and wonderful thoughts to think about. Excellent work.

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