Mon, Feb 17, 1:49 PM CST

Today, Somewhere...

Bryce Fantasy posted on May 11, 2008
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Today, somewhere in the world, people are being killed. In the Sudan, they are called Christians. In Afganistan and Iraq, they are called Muslims. Somewhere in the world, today, someone has been ripped from the fabric of his or her ordinary existence--disappears on the most flimsy, most transparent of excuses and flung into a world stripped of all mercy, all human rights; subjected to physical and mental torture; detained in a limbo of hopelessness and degradation. They are given all sorts of labels that have no meaning for the victim: terrorist, agitator, traitor, rebel, criminal, infidel, apostate, socially unadjusted.... Such labels have little meaning for their captors as well, but they are convenient, expedient, infinitely usable. It all comes down to "Us" and "Them;" the primal fear of the alien other. When will this sickness--this insanity--stop? When will we realize and accept that we are all brothers and sisters of the same family? That we are all children of the same biosphere--the biosphere of Earth? *********************** CREDITS: Bryce 6.1, Poser 6.0 Scene: DM's "Wicked Places" (Rendersosity). Gallows: Virtual Backlot (Renderosity). Building: "Big City Gatehouse," a Net Freebie. Hay Pile: by Bob Meski; I just flattened it quite a bit.

Comments (48)



7:36AM | Thu, 15 May 2008

Fantastic scene, Great textures and posing. *****



12:21AM | Fri, 16 May 2008

Outstanding image and even better words.



3:36AM | Fri, 16 May 2008

An excellent render and a strong and true message.



6:31AM | Fri, 16 May 2008

wonderful scene work!!


11:21AM | Fri, 16 May 2008

Boahh, thats a gret work! Thaks for posting



12:58PM | Fri, 16 May 2008

Excellent work



10:52AM | Sat, 17 May 2008




1:05PM | Tue, 20 May 2008

Excellent and moving render, Jeremy...



5:50PM | Tue, 20 May 2008

great image peace is in our hands but we always seam to close it peace



7:50PM | Tue, 20 May 2008

Good composition and emotional pose. Thought provoking.



12:40PM | Sun, 25 May 2008

The globalization of communications such as the internet and satelite Communications is slowly helping, But I'm afraid it will take another 500 years or more before humans realize That we have heaven and hell right here on earth and if we don't destroy ourselves there will be a day when we will all come together, It could have happened already, Can you imagine how may diseases could have been wiped out completely and hunger no longer exists if the "Uncountable" amounts of money we have spent on war technology would have been spent on research to wipe out the bad things in life instead of finding more efficient was to kill each other???, Humans are the most intelligent species on earth yet the most stupid. This is a Great thought provoking image. Cheers, Roger



7:16PM | Mon, 26 May 2008

Very Nice Image


4:39PM | Mon, 02 June 2008

wow this is amazing work



2:48AM | Sat, 28 June 2008

Brilliant work.



9:24AM | Tue, 01 July 2008

Very well done and great concept...David



11:35AM | Tue, 22 July 2008

Beatiful pose and great atmosphere.



3:09AM | Sun, 30 September 2012

Amazing words and piece my friend!!!Bravissimo!:DDD.Hugsxx Whylma



8:15AM | Sat, 06 April 2013

It's just fabulous!!!

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