Sat, Feb 15, 1:11 PM CST

The Old Eucalyptus 1

Photography Landscape posted on Feb 17, 2007
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Photography made with my Nikon D70S, a Tamron lens 18-200 mm, and with Flash (Nikon SB 800) No postwork on this serie, just framed with Photoshop 7 Ready for another serie ? lol Maybe it will be difficult after the Whisky without transition ;o)))) Always in the forest I've got near where I live, there are some very old Eucalyptus. And one of them in particular has incredible gradation of colors and textures. Trees are really incredible, so differents each others. But the Eucalyptus has a an incredible bark. He seems in continual mutation, changing skin with the years. I love this old giant ! The previous post in my gallery :
If you want to see the photograph I've post in Giancarlo's gallery today, just click here :
And always the link of our Website : Giancarlo and Nathalie's photography
Have a very good Week-end my friends, and thank you for your visit and kinds comments ! Nathalie, and always close to me, Giancarlo

Comments (29)



6:05PM | Sat, 17 February 2007

The colors and textures on this bark are incredible! To me, this makes a fantastic natural abstract :)


6:34PM | Sat, 17 February 2007

Love this capture of bark, excellent detail of color, bravo!



6:37PM | Sat, 17 February 2007

Being an Aussie, I am naturally biased towards Eucalyptus and this detailed shot of the eternally changing bark of many its species is just one reason why. Thank you for this excellent detail. Beautifully lit and appropriately framed. Bravo!



7:08PM | Sat, 17 February 2007

Very Cool!!! Fantastic photo!



7:45PM | Sat, 17 February 2007

that is very awesome


8:32PM | Sat, 17 February 2007

Cool! Wonderful textures! Bravo!



8:33PM | Sat, 17 February 2007

Magnifique orces . Le dernier eucalyptus de mon jardin a explossous le gel il y a quelques anns apr m'avoir ravi par ces teintes d'orces et surtout son parfum. Bon dimanche Nathalie . . .



8:39PM | Sat, 17 February 2007

super textures and I do not think I have ever seen one in person that I remember



10:12PM | Sat, 17 February 2007

Beautiful textured tree bark. I can see why you love this tree. I love the pungent fragrance of the oil from this tree.



11:30PM | Sat, 17 February 2007

Elle est plus qu'incroyable cette texture! Bise et bon Dimanche!



12:26AM | Sun, 18 February 2007

Nice ton id Bravo encore :)



1:48AM | Sun, 18 February 2007

Beautiful bark texture!!!



3:57AM | Sun, 18 February 2007

super id !



4:07AM | Sun, 18 February 2007

Great use of color erland


4:19AM | Sun, 18 February 2007

wowwww, excellent picture on this texture and nice detail of color !!! Excellent ma grande !!! Bisous et bon dimanche :)



4:33AM | Sun, 18 February 2007

So artistic of something we see most days. I love your tight crop and the textures brought out in your capture.



6:19AM | Sun, 18 February 2007

Plus qu'une id ( dit par Marie) tu as parfaitement exploitles diffentes couleurs de cette orce, c'est une texture superbe un peu de flash ou d'ensoleillement ? ce "brillant" va bien car cela donne un aspect vernissimpeccable Beau recadrage en macro sur cette orce , c'est tr beau ! Mimosa, eucalyptus et whisky ...merci pour les parfums en sie Bousisssss q:))



8:02AM | Sun, 18 February 2007

Love the textures!



9:18AM | Sun, 18 February 2007

Tr jolie comme photo. J'aime les eucalyptus sent bon quand tu passes c.. Super dails aussi surtout en zoomant !! Bisous



10:59AM | Sun, 18 February 2007

Wonderful textures from nature Bravo Nathalie



12:44PM | Sun, 18 February 2007

Je trouve au contraire que la transition avec les wiskhy est totalement naturelle ; dans les deux cas tu as parfaitement "captur l'esprit de tes sujets.



1:30PM | Sun, 18 February 2007

Cette macro est superbe, au point que j'ai envie de toucher mon ran! Je suis dout de voir de telles artistes dous... mais je t'adore!;-)



3:22PM | Sun, 18 February 2007

It is a beautiful bark, Natahlie. So silky in places, and runs like it has blood.. Your love of this giant show in this work, it is superb. If I walked by this tree I would have to touch it. Happy Night, Nath. Hugs. Diane.



7:42AM | Mon, 19 February 2007

sembra fatta d'oro questa corteccia! complimenti per l'occhio Nathalie!



1:54PM | Mon, 19 February 2007

C est un exceptionnel tableau abstrait !! Bravo a l'oeil du photographe !!tout est beau et ca sent bon en plus!!lol



10:12PM | Mon, 19 February 2007

cool looking texture of the bark. I never saw something like this



7:10AM | Tue, 20 February 2007

suoerb caputure and presentation again. hugs!



1:13AM | Wed, 21 February 2007

On en sent l'odeur. Photo prendre au premier degrpour son cnature, et au second degrpour un gros plan sur l'orce qui, comme dit plus haut, fait penser de l'art abstrait. Beai travail Nathalie.



12:45PM | Tue, 25 November 2008

Magnifique, j'aime beaucoup les textures !!!!!!!!!!!

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