Sun, Feb 9, 9:22 PM CST

Nocturnal Derive 5

Photography Atmosphere/Mood posted on Feb 16, 2007
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Photography made with my Nikon D70S, a Tamron lens 18-200 mm. No flash, no tripod, just the light of the sun at the end of the afternoon, and framed with Photoshop 7 Well this is the last for this little serie ! A close up on this warm and delicious nectar !!!!! Promise if I made some other experiments, I'll show you ;o))))))))))) I musn't forgot to add : alcohol is dangerous for our health !!!!! But so good for our spirit ;o))))) Thank you for all your comments on the previous shot of this serie, it was important for me to know what you think about. The previous post in my gallery :
If you want to see the photograph I've post in Giancarlo's gallery today, just click here :
And always the link of our Website : Giancarlo and Nathalie's photography
Have a very good Week-end my friends, and thank you for your visit and kinds comments ! Nathalie, and always close to me, Giancarlo

Comments (28)



4:17PM | Fri, 16 February 2007

Great again but what a pity it's already over!!!!



4:22PM | Fri, 16 February 2007

Ah !! celle lest superbe !! ( on va finir virtuellement ronds comme des pelles si tu continues !) La lumie et les reflets sont impec' dans le verre..! Juste : je prendrai plus de grandeur de verre ( trop coupen deux parties : le haut et le cdroit) Bon m'en veux pas je suis cuite de chez dormir, je te tel Gros gros bisous q:))



4:23PM | Fri, 16 February 2007

Nice drink and good picture erland


4:38PM | Fri, 16 February 2007

Wowwww, excellent photo sur ce verre et la moitiprise avec le flou du blackground est vraiment tr artistique !!! Excellent ma grande encore un plaisir pour mes yeux !!! Bisous ma belle et bon weekend :)))



4:40PM | Fri, 16 February 2007

wow awesome secne!!!!")



4:41PM | Fri, 16 February 2007

Compo, gestion de la lumie et de la mise en sce . . . Bravo toi ! Bonne soir et bon WE



4:51PM | Fri, 16 February 2007

Bon, c'est la dernie fois... mais ma foi, il y a toujours une fin tout!!!!;-( has, plus qu'has!!! Tu n'as plus maintenant qu'nous rire un petit, que dis-je, un grand texte pour nous parler, avec tes mots toujours si subtils, de ce prieux nectar! Douce nuit toi Nathalie! Je pense avoir le temps de composer ton N demain????



6:28PM | Fri, 16 February 2007

What a great photo, could be an advertisement for the drink. The postwork suits it perfectly....Well done!



6:39PM | Fri, 16 February 2007

Nicely presented Nat. Love the postwork... a little drink is actually good for you and definitly your spirit =)



7:52PM | Fri, 16 February 2007

very nice!!!



8:50PM | Fri, 16 February 2007

super shot



9:54PM | Fri, 16 February 2007

A wonderful series. Liquid amber!



10:30PM | Fri, 16 February 2007

Number one Nat :)



12:19AM | Sat, 17 February 2007

what a F A N T A S T I C work!!!! super cooooool!!! :)



1:19AM | Sat, 17 February 2007

Great colours and super mood. Super work



2:39AM | Sat, 17 February 2007

You add a new angle to "the flavour is on the colour"! Excellent setup of the significant background which carries a lot of the detail about the arrangement.



5:15AM | Sat, 17 February 2007

Wonderful warm capture, Nathalie. Adore the background too. I have enjoyed this series a lot. Hugs & Cheers :-) Di.



7:27AM | Sat, 17 February 2007

super sie !


7:30AM | Sat, 17 February 2007

Superb shot! The amber colors are out of this world beautiful!



8:04AM | Sat, 17 February 2007




12:42PM | Sat, 17 February 2007

Ce coup si je trinque a ta sante :)



2:04PM | Sat, 17 February 2007

A wonderful series.. As good as what it shows!!



10:33PM | Sat, 17 February 2007

Another excelent set up. I love the colors!



12:29PM | Fri, 02 March 2007

Ecellent artwork! Like it!



3:22PM | Fri, 02 March 2007

Splendid image



8:52PM | Sun, 04 March 2007

Stunning image. I just love the amber color.


3:19AM | Tue, 13 March 2007

Bella foto, complimenti, taglio, colori pastosi, davvero interessante. Anch'io amo i single malt, il mio preferito Springbanks, una volta incontranto non lo lasci pi caso mai ti venisse l'ispirazione...sarebbe un bel soggetto. Ciao.



12:46PM | Tue, 25 November 2008

ces teintes sont sublissimes, j'adore!

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