Tue, Feb 11, 1:31 PM CST

Queen Spider For Steven :)

Poser Creatures posted on Oct 10, 2004
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Just thought the spider looked cool . This one that is used here reminds me of one I had is in Louisianna . It lived in the corner of my room .It was the size of my thumb . I would tap on the wall and it would come to the end of her web . When I was done talking to her she would go back into her hole . I know kind of creepy .But I have always thought spiders are incredible creatures :) Thanks for viewing and comments are always welcome and thank you Bug Queen 3ds by Django Clothing by SVDL This image is for my bud Steven SVDL .Who inspires me to try pure firefly and no postwork . We all know I am postwork challenged ;) But it is pretty hard to do an image were you do not have to fix something . So thank my friend for the insperation and being one hell of a cool friend .You are the pure firefly master I am not knocking post work at all . I see some killer images that are dont that way .Just once in a while . A pure firefly image is cool

Comments (40)



4:27PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

Hi Bobby,well firstly spiders freak me right out!Im 6ft6 and thats laughable I suppose lol!I am the catcher at home and boy does my heart beat and my pupils are sooo large when Im in combat rofl.I had this bigun the other week,looking into the glass I had just squeezed it into,my life flashed before me!he he!Really those thingys are awfull to look at!It jumped and sprinted so fast,matching my heart rate I let ig go,over the fouth floor balcony!Superb render :-)))Bye calum



4:28PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

Awesome image!! The lighting is amazing and Karah is a beauty!! Excellent dedication!!



4:30PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

Fantastic image and character. Excellent work!



4:32PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

this is totally awesome!!!!!!!!!! i hate spiders myself but this is really just awesome!!


4:34PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

aaarrrgh!!!!arachnaphobia....but as an ex employee of Rentokil with 10 years service....no sweat!!!!! just spray 'em!!!!! Only joking Bobby...I am into spiders too...they are brilliant beasts!!!!


4:36PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

Now this is really cool, Me and calum have something in commmon we both hate spiders, me just not as bad as him. Now I do love them snakes they are cool as can be.



4:53PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

Yay! This is wonderful!! Great pose and composition!! Fabulous job! Steven always inspires us to NO POSTWORK!! :-D Lovely dedication to one of the most kind persons here!! Hugs


4:53PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

Nice one Bobby. excellent work!!



4:59PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

Oww, he's so cute at that size, it's when they get a lot smaller they cease to be cute. Excellent firefly render Bobbie, great character (the girl not the spider LOL)


5:00PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

LOL @ calum Awesum work my friend! I enjoy no postwork images! Yours is faboulous!! Xcellent V HUG



5:05PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

I once talked to spider and you know what happened? We stood there, eye to eyes, and she said, "Pardon me sir, I am a spider." Very nicely done!


5:11PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

Wow, that's a big one! I wouldn't be as composed as Gothika looks when a spider is looming over me like that! Thanks for the dedication, I love it! Excellent work!



5:46PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

Cool pic Bobby, but spiders creep me out! I live at the bottom of the hills and i get big freakin spiders here! I hate the little buggers!!...Fantastic work though my Friend!! Take care!



5:48PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

LOL at Calum! Hey, B, U ever seen one of those banana spiders? As a kid we learned to walk with a stick out in front of us to avoid their webs, icky! Your big spider reminds me of that, LOL..Excellent job, Hon! Hugz, Meli


5:52PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

thats is a big spider,cool image!


6:02PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

Excellent image ..but i hate spider lol


6:49PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

That spider is creepy. Wonderful concept though.



6:53PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

WOW! Cool job Bobby..Beautifully done!!



7:01PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

She needs to throw away that sword and get a jumbo sized can of Raid!! LOL!!! That is a nice little pet!!! Excellent work!!! (Now I know what to get Calum for Halloween!! LOL!)



7:45PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

Really fantastic image!!!!!! Excellent work as always!!!!!! :)



8:18PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

Fantastic render!! the pose and lighting are wonderful!!! =) congratulations!!! =)



10:18PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

oh wow awsome I love what you've done with this



11:01PM | Sun, 10 October 2004

Excellent artwork!!!



12:27AM | Mon, 11 October 2004

Great composition, very nice colors, beautiful artwork! -- B.B.



12:28AM | Mon, 11 October 2004

stunning outfit and a gorgeous picture!



6:06AM | Mon, 11 October 2004

Cool, but scary. Hate spiders, especially the ones here in Florida, swear some are as big as your image shows..lol..Huge Hugs!



7:00AM | Mon, 11 October 2004

great scene and Exellent colors and background. Fossy



10:09AM | Mon, 11 October 2004

Very wonderfully done always Bobby! Excellent job!!



10:23AM | Mon, 11 October 2004

Amazing work!! Excellent Pose and cloth room work!! Awesome, as always!!!



11:19AM | Mon, 11 October 2004

That is one big spider! I think I'd run if I were her! Great render :)

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