Sat, Feb 8, 4:28 AM CST

Cinderella Borg

Poser (none) posted on Jan 10, 2001
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Used Poser/Victoria as the basis for this pic, lots of post work. KPT fractal background.

Comments (34)



9:25AM | Wed, 10 January 2001

love the post work....great style



9:31AM | Wed, 10 January 2001


9:47AM | Wed, 10 January 2001

excellent work!


10:05AM | Wed, 10 January 2001

Wow! Stunning image


10:05AM | Wed, 10 January 2001

wow!!! she is fab!! i really like how u gave her an outline ,adds to the image...



10:33AM | Wed, 10 January 2001

OK, i'll post the larger image. Thank you for all your kind words. This is high praise from this community.



10:39AM | Wed, 10 January 2001

About the outlines. Sometimes i wonder if i like them. Hmm. Anyhow, the process: i make the poser figure, then render, then print out a b/w copy of the render. Then i use this as a basis for a line drawing, which is where the armor, headpieces & all the rest of the stuff come from. i ink & scan the drawing, then go into photoshop to do the rest of the work, putting the scan on a layer & compositing it with the rendered image. Clean up everything, then color it in a kind of comic style. There are more like this coming...



10:40AM | Wed, 10 January 2001

I work interesting for the cybernetic of the gear, really a Cinderella robotics.


10:47AM | Wed, 10 January 2001

Damn :~0 This is awesome. Move over 7 of 9. Cinderella Borg is moving in. I can't wait for the larger version. Thanks for the mini tutorial. ... More, yes more, please. A 10+++. "Ray"


12:53PM | Wed, 10 January 2001

Excellent job.



1:03PM | Wed, 10 January 2001

Top of the line work! Both an imaginative and fascinating character - and dazzling technical expertise. Welcome to Renderosity!!


1:09PM | Wed, 10 January 2001

Seems like we have a new talent over here:p Love this sh*t. Very refreshing style. 10+++. P.S. The people who gave a nine or lower on this one are punks.



1:32PM | Wed, 10 January 2001

after so many great comments what can I say? tis a shame the scale only goes to ten! Very proffessional work!


2:37PM | Wed, 10 January 2001

um.....speechless. want more!


3:05PM | Wed, 10 January 2001

Very Very cool.......I like it, great work!!


3:21PM | Wed, 10 January 2001

Nice work,, refreshing style and interesting use of post work, welcome.



4:07PM | Wed, 10 January 2001

This is an absolutly great image. I'd love to see more images done in this style.


4:17PM | Wed, 10 January 2001

That's great it definitely put a new and refreshing spin on the usual stuff you see from poser.


5:55PM | Wed, 10 January 2001

Wow! I hit reload 6 times to be sure that i'm not dreammin'!!!! I really like your style! You kick ass!



9:57PM | Wed, 10 January 2001

I am impressed. Nice work.


11:46PM | Wed, 10 January 2001

10++! What Antoonio said: BIGGER, please!



1:30AM | Thu, 11 January 2001

Brilliant Artwork! The green colorations are grate in that composition...BRAVO!!


8:15AM | Thu, 11 January 2001

Yeah - that's the sh*t I'm talkin' about. Great work.



8:29AM | Thu, 11 January 2001

Too Cool !! Just beautiful.


10:20AM | Thu, 11 January 2001

Too cool. 10++


8:39PM | Thu, 11 January 2001

Fantastic. Great technique!


8:50AM | Fri, 12 January 2001

---old message--
bigger, make it bigger damn you. one of the best pics for a while. ...and this is your first entry here? ..can i kiss your feets? btw. fabulous tuna-pages.
--old message--
Ohmygod this IS something. One of the best pics for a loong time. And, see? We love you. :o)



9:20PM | Sun, 09 September 2001

(I thought I commented on this one way back when :-) Excellent picture! I love your style!!



6:34PM | Fri, 21 June 2002

damn man, this is hella cool. awesome image, quite a vivid imagination and great execution. cheers, -gabriel



11:18PM | Sun, 29 March 2009

This image is awesome. Ilove the inkwork. Great idea to combine with 3D art. Have you ever heard of a photoshop plug-in called Toon It!? It can give a similar effect with just a couple of clicks and slides. It's kind of expensive or I'd be using it already. There's a demo version, but it leaes a watermark grid.

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