Mon, Feb 10, 8:41 PM CST

Someone can't sleep

DAZ|Studio Atmosphere/Mood posted on Aug 25, 2017
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Ted's reading Home school study of Willy Wonka and Charlie and the chocolate Factory Thank you all so,so,so,so,much for all the wonderful comments and all, โ™กโ€ฟโ™ก They are much appreciated ! Have a wonderful day Great BIG HUGS To You All,Dee โ˜†ยธ.โ€ข'ยฏ) โœฟ TY โ™กโ€ฟโ™ก

Production Credits

STZ Bedroom 4
$11.50 USD 30% Off
$8.05 USD
STZ Good Morning 2
$8.45 USD 30% Off
$5.92 USD

Comments (25)


eekdog Online Now!

1:04AM | Sat, 26 August 2017

Precious this is dear, Dee. You do wonderful images that bring smiles. Love the artwork on the wall.



1:08AM | Sat, 26 August 2017

Wow... it' so cute! Adorable image, Dee, great work! ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ˜„ have a nice day with a cup of โ˜•



1:52AM | Sat, 26 August 2017

Ohhh .... Comme c'est beau, j'adore. Un trรจs beau travail. Dans mes favoris. Belle journรฉe.



2:22AM | Sat, 26 August 2017

"Shockingly Epic"



2:25AM | Sat, 26 August 2017

this is how it works, first shwo oneself whiny and then getting what one desires. Great render Dee



2:59AM | Sat, 26 August 2017

Adorable and too cute, it reminds me of someone, jejeje ๐Ÿ˜‰ You are a great artist Dee ๐Ÿ‘



3:19AM | Sat, 26 August 2017

When Ever I am Feeling Down Quite Often These Days I Check Your Post for some Cuteness It Reboots My Brain!



4:35AM | Sat, 26 August 2017

๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ’ฏ ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ



5:12AM | Sat, 26 August 2017


5:56AM | Sat, 26 August 2017

I love t his... just too adorable



6:31AM | Sat, 26 August 2017

Lovely scene my dear!!!Bravissima!V:DDD.Hugsxx Whylma


tetrasnake Online Now!

8:56AM | Sat, 26 August 2017

Absolutely lovely!



9:09AM | Sat, 26 August 2017

This is so cute love it :)



1:21PM | Sat, 26 August 2017

All is sweet and cozy in your scene, I love it, adorable idea, Dee !



3:35PM | Sat, 26 August 2017

totes adorbs!!!



5:50PM | Sat, 26 August 2017

Super cute and most adorable my fiend well dine Dee!!



2:01AM | Sun, 27 August 2017

How sweet - beautifully done Dee!!!



9:37PM | Sun, 27 August 2017

Very cute and sweet.



8:10AM | Mon, 28 August 2017

Lovely Image!!!



11:24AM | Mon, 28 August 2017

Very cute ! ! ! Excellent work, my friend ! ! !



5:41PM | Mon, 28 August 2017




2:52AM | Fri, 01 September 2017

Willie Wonka was a magical film, but I saw it so long ago, I don't remember much of the details anymore. So if there are images here from the story, I may not know them. Still, it's a wonderful evocation of a child's deep, blissful sleep after hearing a great story. Or maybe he didn't hear it---he's just asleep while his teddy bear studies it. (Studying the child's homework.) Or maybe the child is home-shooling the bear! That would be wonderful.) In any case, in addition to another of your true to life child images, the detail on his outfit is wonderful, as on his hair (it could be a 'her' too, so bear with me if I'm wrong), and on the blanket and the drapes, and quite beautiful and soft leaves with gold and peach touches in the background...And if that owl is from the tale, I don't remember: But it's wonderful, coming out of that vase and appearing to be balanced on top of a few flowers. (It looks like he's actually on the wall, but he could also be on the plant.) And finally, the bear---chocolate-colored and absorbed in what appears to be an illumined book. And all unfolding in a single comfy chair on a clean wooden floor...Wonderful details, and a total delight...



4:50PM | Fri, 01 September 2017

Absolutely sweet))



7:52PM | Thu, 07 September 2017




10:42AM | Sun, 10 September 2017

delightful and totally adorable scene

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