Mon, Feb 10, 10:53 AM CST

morning, Brugge

Photography Photo Manipulation posted on Nov 28, 2013
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dated back to 2011. done in corel painter

Comments (27)



1:21AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

A spectacular effort, Nikolai! Like a 19th century master. Reminds me of Pissaro or Manet.



1:29AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

Brilliant! If you lived very much nearer I should book some lessons with you!



2:37AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

visited Brugge several times,despite of outstanding postwork (reminds me to Dutch painter George Breitner) I still recognize the POV



4:19AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

Interesting PW



5:08AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

Beautiful colours and forms. Can we see the original?


6:30AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

But of course, Dominique! You tell me where to send to.


5:21AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

Very nice!



5:59AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

Outstanding work...Love it! Aloha



6:15AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

It is a startling view Nikolai !! I feel the mistery of what is beyond the corner in this morning. A vision beyond words once more. There is a wondrous light in all ! And i agree totally with Andrea:)


6:49AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

what a wonderful image



7:50AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

Great image! You did a wonderful job on the painting effect!



9:42AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

Great effects!!



10:26AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

It's beautiful, I thought at first it was a painting, superb !



11:44AM | Thu, 28 November 2013

Outstanding work my friend. God bless.



12:02PM | Thu, 28 November 2013

OH This is mighty beautiful. I love what you did to this, Nikolay. :)



1:35PM | Thu, 28 November 2013

I love the effect you get with your technique. The light is glorious, and the "brush strokes" are masterful. Superb work!



2:53PM | Thu, 28 November 2013

Light and shadow......this is fantastic.



5:42PM | Thu, 28 November 2013

Fantastically well done !!!



9:32PM | Thu, 28 November 2013

Wonderful painting effect!



10:49PM | Thu, 28 November 2013

Really beautiful ♥



11:59PM | Thu, 28 November 2013

Striking. Love the technique you've developed.


2:52AM | Fri, 29 November 2013

Very nice work!



9:39AM | Fri, 29 November 2013

Wonderful, Nikolai! My first impression was 'past', it reminds me to a look back, to a memory appearing before my inner eye. Incredible how you played with this image, how the shapes slightly dissolve, and becoming part of light and shadow.



2:43PM | Fri, 29 November 2013

Beautiful result..locve the effect you've achieved



7:31PM | Fri, 29 November 2013

Very lovely work! Wow!!!



12:39AM | Sat, 30 November 2013

wonderful! :)



8:16AM | Sat, 14 December 2013

very cleverly done indeed!



12:26PM | Thu, 19 December 2013

Nikolay, I'm on my way out of town, but when I come back, I plan another long session in your magnificent, subtle, inward, and always---always---surprising and wholly fresh gallery. I just wanted to say, these corel pieces you've been posting, they are whole scenes straight from the inner sanctums of the heart and mind and memory. They feel like deep dreams---dreams, but the kind that are so vivid inside of us, we wake up and can't determine which state was more real...This street photo-painting feels like it was painted over not with paints or brushes, but with pulsings of the heart. It feels like the inner heart washed over the scene, and touched it with pure feelings, wholly private and very deep, which we all recognize but can't name. It's almost like seeing through that old glass that wasn't made smoothly but rather with bumps and ripples in it, so we're seeing it through 'age', through memory. It's like some place where several centuries are played out, not just ours, like ghosts walk the street along with the people. But you get that feeling even in some of your 'straight' photos. (Meaning not painted on, because none of your photography is "straight".) Your photo-paintings speak of an old europe inside the new, and are drenched in the sense of unspoken memory and history that europe holds. And your whites are almost luminous, like thick white cashmere shining in the light. I think this is luscious and exquisite and mysterious. I'll be back for more, thank you for stopping by my gallery, and I wish you and your loved ones a sweet and dear holiday season and a beautiful 2014. What a soulful artist you are.

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