Tue, Feb 18, 11:09 AM CST

Flowers and Sky

2D Landscape posted on Jul 20, 2002
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*What is more gentle than a wind in Summer? What is more soothing than the pretty hummer that stays one moment in an open flower, and buzzes cheerily from bower to bower? What is more tranquil than a musk-rose blowing in a green island, far from all men's knowing?* John Keats, from "Sleep and Poetry". ----------------------------------------------- So this is the second painting I did for marriages of friends, inspired by my English trip and by the lecture of Keats' Selected book. This is the part of the poem which has shaped this scene in my mind. It doesn't look British and actually being me a fan of Monet, I suppose it's heavily inspired by a painting of him really famous, with poppies, and mothers and children walking on greengrass,which stays in my living room from a life (a copy, obviously). The technique is the same: pencil and carbon pencil sketch, coloured with all possible stuff (included china this time!) then equalized and sharpened a little bit for being more organic. Again, the size is smaller than the real thing , and to be honest the time I have spent for the flowers and the detailes there made me really simply approaching the sky... I was done by then!!!! :P Have all a great weekend: may Sun shine on you the way it does on this flowered greengrass. --------------------------------------------------

Comments (54)



2:08AM | Sat, 20 July 2002

Very pretty and serene..like from a tale of long ago...well done. Beautiful colors.


3:05AM | Sat, 20 July 2002

this is fantabulous!! i love the rich tones of the colors, so bright and cheerful.... you got all that from England? and all this time I had thought that Britian was all foggy,lol. gorgeous!!


3:12AM | Sat, 20 July 2002

With red flowers in a painting that takes you away to the far away lands makes you dream about the flowers you have in your own space and time. Comforting all the memories that are ready to sail away. Taking them into its arms and makes them stay forever in the mind of its beholder.


3:46AM | Sat, 20 July 2002

WOW...this is awesome as always mel. There is so much going on here with your use of vivid color. It keys the eye moving all over the piece. I could stare at this all day. At the same time it also reminds you to get out house and hang out in the country or something to that effect. Excellent work as always. ^_^


5:23AM | Sat, 20 July 2002

very pretty!



6:31AM | Sat, 20 July 2002

Like the other one from England this one has a beautiful foreground and extends far into the distance to a beautiful beyond!! I also like the way you have captured the slight rolling downhill where the middle ground is hidden. Now to be a bit nefarious and you meet another of me. A great place to sight cannons. Napoleon would have loved it! With the lake even cavalry troopers would find it a challenge.



7:38AM | Sat, 20 July 2002

Belli i colori! di grande respiro! Mi piacciono le pennellate che fanno sembrare vive le nuvole... e mi sono ubriacata nei tuoi papaveri!



8:14AM | Sat, 20 July 2002

if the weeknd gets as beautiful as this image it will be a fine one :-)


8:28AM | Sat, 20 July 2002

What a gorgeous riot of colour and life! Thank you



8:49AM | Sat, 20 July 2002

Very pretty Meli. I love the field of flowers. So peaceful...Cheryl


9:24AM | Sat, 20 July 2002

Magnificent Meli. Just one thing, I see what you say about the sky, you were all through when you finished the flowers. If it were me i would cut the top of the sky off. If you scroll the pic up so the screen cuts the top off it works much better. Do you remember the rule of thirds when composing a painting, every thing should be in thirds. Well if you make the sky just one third of height it works much better. Up to the sky-line it's such a stunning painting.


11:14AM | Sat, 20 July 2002



12:37PM | Sat, 20 July 2002

beautiful gallimel!!! your skills with the paintbrush are extraordinary!!! i havent seen your work in awhile, but every time i come back i come in awe...great, great job, :D



1:10PM | Sat, 20 July 2002

Beautiful work!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing it!


11:48PM | Sat, 20 July 2002

i do not rate that, because so beautifull :)



4:06AM | Sun, 21 July 2002



5:40AM | Sun, 21 July 2002

Dear Mel, I love landscapes, fields and flower, so this awesome painting make me in peace with the world! Gabriele


6:38AM | Sun, 21 July 2002

Its lovely and warm like the last one, I adore fields of poppies and you have got how they come across as you look into a field of them wonderfull, where there is clearly other things but the red and movment of them is nearly the only thing you see for it... I see what Toulouz means about the sky it dose seem more of a natural shape ... something too do with the shape of the eyeview I take it?? :) Its wonderfull Mel, :)


7:27AM | Sun, 21 July 2002

Oh jeez! This is just beautiful! I continue to be awed by you talent!


7:39AM | Sun, 21 July 2002

Very nice Meli ! The colors are beautiful and I can fell the wind in that hot day :)))



11:46PM | Sun, 21 July 2002

wow mel this is just beautiful hugz s


3:41AM | Mon, 22 July 2002

Fine and beyond words pleasing.



8:01PM | Tue, 23 July 2002

The lovely Meli has created yet another image of pure beauty and joy. This image makes me think happy thoughts of days long gone... thank you for sharing your vision Meli!


4:45AM | Wed, 24 July 2002

Monet would have clapped hands and shaked them with you my dear. It's what he would have loved to do.


9:46AM | Wed, 24 July 2002

This is the other one which was impressing me in your -impressive as well, although also a bit out of order- stripe of successes in the current 2dHot20 (more of a gallimelHot20, this way..). Seeing all in the big version here is definitely a wonderful feeling. Compliments. I hardly accept you never went to any art school.


12:35PM | Wed, 24 July 2002

thanx to people who HONESTLY appreciated this effort of mine. And Madame Curie, I don't really have a clue about the 2dHot20, because the lil times I have been there I was sent by people telling me to look how good I was doing there: but band two or three images, I don't think I ever deserved that. I think the 2dHot20 shall be decided by judges , otherwise it ends like a sort of popularity sham (my case, I fear..) or kind of 2I vote you-you vote me bargaing like it seems some likes to practice. I don't find that serious: i give more credit to skilled people judging my works writing me than other things. I like if people love my stuffof course, but I am not hungry for anything really. Thanx for the praise though :)


12:47PM | Wed, 24 July 2002

Oh, friend, thats beautiful!!! - - And what fine and excellent detailwork in the foreground... gorgeous colours and a wonderful sky!!! - Thanks, Meli, for sharing it :-)


5:54PM | Wed, 31 July 2002

very beautiful work



12:34PM | Sun, 11 August 2002

wow !!! fantastic art work !!!!! excellent reconstitution of the painting of Monet !!! excellent idea and excellent techinique !!! you it could make other painting reconstitutions of famous artists. would be interesting. Congratulations Meli !!!



2:27PM | Tue, 13 August 2002

dont know why, but this picture feels like home - great artwork - waiting for more ......

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