Fri, Feb 7, 5:20 AM CST

Cletus and Carl Schmutzz

DAZ|Studio Science Fiction posted on Jan 13, 2011
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First i would like to thank you all for the warmth and strength you gave us. Ute and me decided to continue our artwork as to have fun and share fun with our visitors.i don’t think it helps anyone when we sit here whining. - - - - Zuerst möchte ich mich ganz herzlich bedanken für die grosse anteilnahme ihr seid supi!!!!!!!!! Ute und ich haben uns entschlossen einfach weiterzumachen mit unseren bildern um auch ein bisschen freude zu haben und auch freude zu teilen. Cletus and Carl Schmutzz 2 mean cousins came onboard the SF-Ramilius and are now opening the safe and the data vaults.members of the Crew have been taken hostage. These 2 look like old farts in their disguise but ,easy in distracting security people. And they are dangerous psychos.One of the Ubergreys is with them. Used quite some freebies from mapps here the sf character pack2-thank you awesome,and some of Apple_Uk ,the corridor and the outside space station,thank you very much Josie. Thanks also to JudyBug for the funny crime world textures on the mafiosi and to chohole on Dystopia command console daz3d,as well as the raw grey k4. Credits:posermagic-Cletus/Undead carl,whop/karth-liverpoolboyzz/nu_mission Bdays to come ........... January 14 Cimaira - Kim 18 Crudelitas -Elke 24 Robyn -(wife of bazza)

Production Credits

Comments (51)



2:29PM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Awesome composed scene Rene, and yes making art helps....i know for sure. Big hugs Adrie.



3:51PM | Thu, 13 January 2011

I think it is a good idea to continue creating =) This is fantastic work Rene =)



4:04PM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Great render.



4:34PM | Thu, 13 January 2011

~A nefarious trio to be sure! Great scene, and I am glad you are rendering is good therapy!~



4:43PM | Thu, 13 January 2011

very nice image! cool!



5:06PM | Thu, 13 January 2011

I think there's more than a few here that create to keep their minds busy, I know I'm one of them...:D Things must be going good as I see they're using stacks of gold ingots for ballast still... lol.



5:17PM | Thu, 13 January 2011

beaux lingots



5:31PM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Excellent work, Rene! Very good idea as well, let yoru art speak for you



5:50PM | Thu, 13 January 2011

This is a must zoom. Big big hugs to you and your family. I really enjoy your art and I'm glad you continue to provide us with your scenes.


6:53PM | Thu, 13 January 2011

I've just been through some of your recent images, rene, and read about your son in laws tradgedy. Sympathy and hope to your family. Another unique and pleasing image from your studio :)



10:50PM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Super creation!



3:41AM | Fri, 14 January 2011

Sehr witzig - Danke für deinen Lacher am morgen, Utchen



7:12AM | Fri, 14 January 2011

This is an amazing detailed scene one of your best and sometimes it helps to let your emotions fly and take your mind off the pain dont ever think your whining Rene wishing you both the strength to carry on preyers for you both hugs lou x



8:20AM | Fri, 14 January 2011

Excellent sci fi!



9:23AM | Fri, 14 January 2011

Estupenda escena



9:13PM | Fri, 14 January 2011

Nice scene, and the stars are great!



10:00AM | Sat, 15 January 2011




10:25AM | Sat, 15 January 2011

wonderful scene my friend



12:05PM | Sat, 15 January 2011




8:23PM | Sun, 16 January 2011




5:17PM | Tue, 18 January 2011

Wonderful work, love that scene.

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