Mon, Feb 17, 11:55 PM CST

No good news

DAZ|Studio Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jan 13, 2011
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well my friends i did not know what to post,as none of my ready renders look sappropriate to me for the occasion. these pictures have been taken the 12th of june 2010 the day of Severine and Mikes marriage,they choose the same date as ute and me have ,and they thought this date woud bring them luck,for the partnership to last like ours does. mike has not woken up yet, medics say there seems to be considerable braindamage,they cannot say to what extend before mike wakes up. Severine will get professional help and she is never alone ,there are some fantastic people out in luxembourg who help comforting her. ute and me decided not to fly to luxembourg,because in my opinion we need to stay strong at a certain distance to finally hold Severine when she breaks down wich will surely be the case. i dont want to post this type of works and news,but i feel it my duty that as i started to report in the first place,to keep my friends updated. i knew that the lord gave me more time for accomplishing some important duties but i never thought it would come this way. now i want all of you to be nice together,every moment is precious,dont waste your time with nonsense,hate or envy,in a moment all can change,i do hope that we can understand one day why ,what for,and receive and answer to all the questions we might ask. i am glad i can finally cry,i was unable up to now this morning,and i started to worry about myself,i guess i was in shock state without even beeing aware. german/Deutsch. nachrichten sind nicht so gut, mike will nicht erwachen Aerzte meinen gehirnschaden wahrscheinlich in welchem ausmass kann man erst sagen wenn mike aufwacht. wir mussen stark bleiben um die tochter severine aufzufangen. ich wuensche mir dass ihr alle nett zueinander seid,vergeudet keine zeit mit nonsens hass oder neid .jeder augenblick ist kostbar,endlich kann ich weinen ,konnte es nicht bis jetzt heute morgen gottseidank

Comments (52)



1:14AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Oh, my friend, I'm so sad to read this news. There are few words that can relieve the pain when things like this hppen. Just know you have friends and people that care about you, who are keeping you and Ute, and your whole family in our hearts and prayers. I am at the head of the line. God Bless you and Ute, and send you His healing spirit.



1:34AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

know that I am thinking of you and your friends much love from over here man take care Carl



1:36AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Im so sorry to hear this news Rene that i have no words. Its hard to imagine what you and Ute are going trough And Severine. All of you are in my thoughts ! Hugs Mona



1:51AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

My dear friends Rene and Ute, my prayers are with you and for you.



2:04AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

I often think there is no 'why' at all, and the only real important thing is how we treat each other. After all, it looks like each other is all we have. Thinking about you...take care!



2:04AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Estimados amigos Rene y Ute. Admiro su coraje y fuerza espiritual Dios los a probado de manera muy fuerte, Mas ustedes están bendecidos, pues sí no , fuera así No puedo imaginar que pasaría… Hay nombres para todo TODO… Viudo viuda Solterón Divorciado Huérfanos Y así sigue la lista… PERO NO HAY NO EXISTE NOMBRE Para la perdida de ya dos hijos. No existe nombre, por el gran dolor que este causa… Por ello, reitero, son benditos Pues su vida no ha sido nada fácil. Mis oraciones para la recuperación pronta Dios esta con ustedes.



2:13AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

still don´t loss hope my friends!! you never know...i hope all the good for you all!



3:09AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

I'm so very sorry the news isn't better. please know I'm thinking and praying for you all. hugs



3:26AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

no words.. we wish you all the strength !



3:32AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

No comment! So sad..............



3:44AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Hang in there bro I know its real hard but we are all behind you both.. my heart has be going out for you both over the day today.. Lovely photos also!!



3:49AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Dói na alma sua dor e dos seus. A vida parece estar sempre nos colocando a prova...Nunca questiono os porque...Assim como temos um dia negro de chuva, sempre haverá mais adiante um sol a nos aquecer meu amigo. Orações e pensamentos com vocês.



4:19AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Oh bless you both im so sad to read such terrible news my thoughts and preyers are with you both and severine and mike hugs lou x



4:27AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

The crying was good to let it all out. Necessary in fact for nomal sadness recovery. I like the look of love that Ute is showing in the first pic of the two of you...



4:46AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Oh, Rene das klingt garnicht gut. Ich werde beten und mit euch hoffen, dass ein Wunder geschieht. Danke für die Fotos sie sind sehr ergreifend. Es umarmt Euch Elke



5:18AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Das ist alles so furchtbar! Wir denken alle an Euch und hoffen mit, dass sich doch noch was zum Guten wendet! Fühlt Euch umarmt. Marion



5:33AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

ich bin schockiert was du da schreibst ,ich kann mit dir fühlen ,es macht mich traurig ,trozdem lass denn kopf nicht hängen ,du musst stark sein für utchen und deiner tochter ,gruss dein freund manni



6:03AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

La verdad es que no conocia el acontecimiento que imagino traduciendo algo sus comentarios. Y aunque no llego a conocer en profundidad lo sucedido, me uno al grupo de amigos que os desea una pronta normalizacion



6:31AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Sometimes I have no words to speak...I know what you going through...remember there is always hope...I will be there if needed... Best wishes, your friend Rhanagaz/ Johnny



6:42AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

I am so sorry. I wish you all well. You have my best wishes and prayers.



7:09AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

A sad reminder that we have no control over these situations A sad event for such a young couple!



7:42AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Rene, this is such sad news my friend for your family. I'm keeping you all in my prayers and never giving up hope



7:49AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

that is very sad my friend, i have said prayers for you both. love your pic my friend, i hope god blesses you, lol steve



8:14AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

You, Ute, Severine & Mike are in my thoughts and prayers. May you all find comfort and peace in the days ahead. Beautiful photos.



8:30AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

We’ve just recently met Rene however just know that I also join all of the others here in offering you and your wife my support in this most difficult time. My thoughts are with you both. George



8:35AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Such sad and discouraging news. I know there are many people praying for you all, and we will continue to pray for you until you have passed through this shadow. I will continue to pray for a miracle. Love and prayers to you all. You are right, it can all change in the blink of an eye, so we should treat each other much better than we do sometime. Thoughts, prayers and love go out to Ute, you and your family.



8:41AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Ach, das ist ja wirklich traurig! Auch wenn es blöd klingt, es geht immer weiter auch wenn es weh tut! Ja, genau, die Menschen verschwenden kostbare Lebenszeit mit Intrigen, Hass, Neid und Krieg! Wenn es nach mir gehen würde... ach, lassen wir das! Ich wünsche euch die Kraft die ihr für euch braucht und auch für Severine und ihrem Mann. Das Schicksal mischt die Karten, doch wir sind die Spieler...



8:54AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Ich denke ganz fest and Euch beide und Severine. Gebt die Hoffnung nicht auf und seid stark. Ich drücke Euch alle und schließe Euch in meine Gebete ein.


9:15AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

They say strength comes in numbers...What you 2 have had to endure is enough for anyone..Wishing there was a way to turn back time and be able to change things ..But as I was told in life things happen for a reason..At least I'm lead to believe this..I can relate (In 4 short years I lost my mom/dad/brother) but can't compare to your recent sadness only knowing that I can lend support or an ear or a shoulder when ever you require one.May you find the strength and peace and here's hoping for the best for all involved.. You have a friend across the ocean!...(smile)



10:33AM | Thu, 13 January 2011

Here for you both, anytime,anything...just ask

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Photograph Details
F Numberf/3.8
ModelNIKON D50
Shutter Speed10/600
Focal Length20

Premier Release Product
Zehrafor Genesis 8 Female
3D Figure Assets
Sale Item
$14.52 USD 40% Off
$8.71 USD

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