Fri, Feb 14, 3:20 PM CST

"Can I Please come out Now?"

Photography Animals posted on Jan 12, 2009
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That particular night I was really restless, so got up out of bed and continued with an out of framework I had been preparing. Somehow it did not look right to me, and seemed to be lacking something, with the one cute little kitty aged 5 weeks sleeping peacefully. Maybe he was dreaming of the game he had been playing with feathers, before he succumbed to sleep. I gazed at it for a while, and wondered Hmmmm ... what was missing? Then from behind the frame there stepped a beautiful red silver tabby kitty - Wow my eyes popped out of my head, WHAT? ... was I seeing things??? Then as if that shock was not enough, he spoke "Can I please come out now?". With that, the computer was switched off, and I scrambled back into my bed, knowing that I definitely must be seeing things, possibly due to lack of sleep. Next morning I woke up, and was eager to switch on the computer to see what had been happening to my work - Okay, don't panic it was only a dream, but then it was an inspiring one, and yes as you can see I added the cute red kitty aged 5weeks, who just happens to be my daughter's kitten called Simba ... Many thanks for all your support on my previous work, you make me feel very happy. Have a great week everyone, love to you all, hugs Jane xx *please zoom for detail*

Comments (129)



4:49AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

A masterpiece, Jane! I glad it was a dream, I was beginning to worry!



4:53AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Beautiful.Amazing work.



4:55AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Sweet cats.Superb realization.



4:57AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Awwwwwwwww!!! Of course you can my darlin' This is so gorgeous!!! Your photos are always a delight to see!!



5:00AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

So precious. Oh my goodness aren't they sweet. Beautiful work as always.



5:13AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Splendid and very beautiful photos my friend.....!!!!!



5:15AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Jane, you are amazing... I love them kitties'



5:18AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Wonderful work! Inspiration is an amazing thing, isn't it? :)



5:20AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

too cute



5:22AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Another delightful photo and I really love them kitties!!! Your photos are delightful to the eyes!!! Excellent photography Jane!!! Hugsss Frankie ^_^



5:23AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

WOW!kGreat stuff for a calender.



5:27AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

cuters cuters cuters!



5:45AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

its verry cute..beautiful done..nice kittens



5:47AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Adorable image!!! So fluffy and sweet!!! Thanks for sharing!!!



5:47AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

aaaww how sweet, very creative well done



5:53AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Oh love the story ,wish I could have dreams like that.Wonderful work



5:58AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

So cute. I love little kittens..They are so much fun to have around.Beautiful work Jane



6:22AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

LOL at Andrea!!! Wonderful inspiration dream Jane and another fairytale masterpiece!!! Excellent work my friend!!!! Hugs, Carin xx



6:40AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Wonderful and lovely work.



6:50AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Sooo Cute!



7:00AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

WOW! And your dream told you what was missing. Another little "Missekat" = danish word for a Pussycat. Wonderful scene indeed Jane.



7:07AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

L..sooo cute love your story jane you are amazing its always a pleasure to view your work...hugs..really excellent work



7:13AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Jane what a adorable pic and I love your story about your dream and how it came you added little Simba to this scene. I'm not sure what is cuter, the little kitty who is sleeping so comfortably or the look on little Simba's face.



7:21AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

How beautiful kittens! It was a mysterious dream. I think something good will come to you.



7:45AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

How cute and adorable is this. Fantastic composition, Jane. For sure you are hooked on comp graphics if it has taken over your dreams. Been having the same problem. Middle of the night the most fantastic image pops into my head and the perfect render and then I wake up and realize it was just a dream. But what a dream. Glad you got yours into reality. Sooooooooooo cute.



7:49AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so cute work! :D :D lovely



8:15AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

AWWWW How Cute is that!



8:23AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Another delightful addition to your gallery, Jane, and a sweet dream story. Cute kittens and lovely composition, as all your creations are! :)



8:32AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Cute... cute eyes. wonderful capture!!



8:38AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Totally beautiful Jane, I so adore your work, it really is wonderful. This is gorgeous.

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