Tue, Feb 18, 5:43 PM CST

Giant Christmas Beetle

Photography Insects posted on Dec 17, 2008
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This Giant Christmas Beetle & his smaller friend landed on the screen door last night & were really well behaved models. This ones body length is about 40mm (1.5 inchs). Really worth the Zoooommmm as there are many other bugs living on this beetle. Christmas Beetles (Anoplognathus pallidicollis) There are 35 species of Christmas beetles right across Australia, but most prefer the moister east and south easterly areas, especially near the coast. Eight species occur in Sydney. If you suddenly feel something spiky crawl down your shirt or buzz loudly into your hair, chances are it's a Christmas beetle. Christmas beetles (Anoplognathus) range from 15 - 40 mm in size and belong to the Scarab family (over 3000 species in Australia), which also includes flower and cock chafers, and fiddle beetles. Thanx dropping by & for your comments & favs on my latest images. Not many sleeps now before Santa comes to visit you all.

Comments (23)



4:06AM | Wed, 17 December 2008

Very cool!!



4:35AM | Wed, 17 December 2008

Fantastic capture! We have them in South Africa too and this exact one met me in my bath the other morning!!! Needless to say, I was not impressed! I don't mind them too much and even pick them up in my hand and throw them out... They do, however, play havoc with my roses...



4:39AM | Wed, 17 December 2008

i remember the christmas beetle that had colours on its back is this it? it does look great i wonder if it is counting down the days to christmas like we are.



6:01AM | Wed, 17 December 2008

wonderful big beetle! Great photo!



6:11AM | Wed, 17 December 2008

Big Boy.



8:41AM | Wed, 17 December 2008

Big Bug! Bug Big! Great shot of big bug!



8:58AM | Wed, 17 December 2008

The thought of one in my hair or down my shirt gives me the shivers...great capture, though!



10:30AM | Wed, 17 December 2008




10:57AM | Wed, 17 December 2008



3:04PM | Wed, 17 December 2008

that is some beetle! i guess you won't be needing a turkey now ?


6:58PM | Wed, 17 December 2008

Truly and awesome macro. Fabulous detail and LARGER than life!



7:57PM | Wed, 17 December 2008

Eeeeewwwww---I so would completely freak out if one of these went down my shirt!! Great macro, though!!



6:27AM | Thu, 18 December 2008

the detailed focus is exceptional.their larvae stage does lots of damage to flowers and veggies



8:45AM | Thu, 18 December 2008

You just can't leave any windows or doors open, around this time of the year, at night with the lights on...they commit Kamikaze, all that's left to do in the morning is, to collect them on their back with legs up in the air. BTW ours are a lightbrown colour or metallic blue/green. Great macro, Ralph,



9:42PM | Thu, 18 December 2008

Absolutely great shot !!! Excellent macro work too !!!



11:13PM | Thu, 18 December 2008

Wow, great macro and background info!



2:49AM | Fri, 19 December 2008

I have nothing against the nice beetle, bur I dont like the "flees" or "TICKS" it has LOL ! Splendid capture :) And ZOOM is really worth it.


1:41PM | Fri, 19 December 2008

wow he is big ! excellent shot



5:45PM | Sat, 20 December 2008

Heavily armored bugger isn't he... They must be good for something. I wonder what it is? Maybe as cruchy snacks for other critters. Bill



10:53PM | Sat, 20 December 2008

That's one big beetle. Dana P



11:14PM | Sat, 20 December 2008

Fantastic shot.


5:53PM | Thu, 25 December 2008

Super shot, and I appreciate your narrative because I otherwise would've thought those other bugs were just specks of dirt. Outstanding!! ...and Merry Christmas, Ralph!



11:00AM | Mon, 12 January 2009

Excellent shot fine detail!!

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