Tue, Feb 18, 10:20 AM CST


Terragen Atmosphere/Mood posted on Nov 27, 2008
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Here was my entry for one of the past Teragen Contests! It tied for 1st place! The theme of the contest was "Unreal" and at first I thought that they were talking about the game - LOL! It had to a render of something "out of this world" and this is what I came up with!

Comments (13)



10:21PM | Thu, 27 November 2008

Hmmmm tomatoe soup... I'm on it... ( and a couple of grilled cheese on the side ) kell


10:45PM | Thu, 27 November 2008

Wonderful world - almost looks like collection of masks; certainly is unrealish. Very glad to see.



1:07AM | Fri, 28 November 2008

Very cool render. Congratz! ")



6:42AM | Fri, 28 November 2008

Agree with Savage Dragon! :)



9:36AM | Fri, 28 November 2008

Excellent work - congratulations on the 1st place tie - now I don't know a lot about terragen but I know that was a lot of work



11:05PM | Fri, 28 November 2008

Thanks Everybody for your comments! I'm looking forward to uploading more images! Actually this particular image didn't take me that long to do - I did it in a day! Some of my more recent contest entries have taken me a lot longer!



7:52AM | Sat, 29 November 2008

Excellent!!!!! Very original looking Terragen.



11:27AM | Sat, 29 November 2008

It looks like an other world/planet! A place that i don't want to be..lol Fantastic work/thanks for your comments :)



10:27AM | Sun, 30 November 2008

Something totally different.... not bad !!!



7:16PM | Mon, 01 December 2008

Thanks everybody for your comments! They have inspired and motivated me to keep on keeping on!



8:22PM | Sun, 28 December 2008

Guess I should now let you all know that I have recently submitted the terrain as a free upload and I'm waiting for it to be approved. Hopefully when its approved you'll have fun downloading and using it.



11:26AM | Sat, 14 February 2009

Wonderful creation Fantastic colors…



12:47PM | Thu, 26 February 2009

Very cool looking xpecially for Terragen! :) nice job!

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