Sat, Feb 15, 7:00 AM CST

The HUGE Hungry Fish at Lake Mead ~!!

Photography Story/Sequential posted on Feb 17, 2008
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Hello ALL !! Here is a little photo collage from last Nov I have had in my files that I almost didn't put up ... but,... The experiance was so unique and surreal that I thought I have have to share it! . Last Nov we took this little Day trip to Hoover Dam area and veered off a path to find this little dock at Lake mead. They have this docking area where the fish are like 5-20 pounds and you can bend over the dock and actually hand feed them like Dogs ( Mike calls these fish suckers . lol) My Aunt and my Mom had to leave so I didn't have alot of time for taking pictures but I managed to get these in this little collage. THey WERE SO HUGE !! OMG That one single fish was so big there LOL!! I thought he was going to eat my camera ( or bite my hand off )I was only like 2 inches away !! YOu can even pet them...haha! I had never before had such a close encounter with fish that were not caught or behind glass... Anyways here are some shots I took that day with my pocket cam . Chrissy -my daughter -is in the lower right hand corner you can see how big the fish are next to her she is feeding them popcorn!!. SO many of them come up at once at you when you have food that it is quite overwhelming it made me laugh so much !! (I was going to put just the fish shot up but thought it would be better if you could see where it was shot at !!) Thanks for all your time and comments! ((( BIG HUGS ))) ~ ♥ Kimmers ! :O)

Comments (91)



8:54PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Very cool pictues. Lake Mead is running dry my Wife was telling me. it was on the new down here in San Diego



8:55PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

uma fantástica experiencia, fotos fantasticas numa excelente montagem, obrigado por compartilhar, aplausos (5)



8:57PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

WHOA!!! talk about ravenous fish!!! haha! and ahhhh your precious camera they better not eat that!!! or no more pics from you :'( lol hahahahaha popcorn!!! omg I love popcorn, may I have some please? pretty please lol! very awesome collage you assembled and great shots in each one!!! take carand have a great week babe! hugsssssss



9:01PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Talk about fish Whew I have never saw so many And to think they're eating popcorn of all things Excellent collage sis Hugs Susan~



9:03PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Pretty amazing captures. They like Cheeze-Its too. ;o) Excellent shots. Bunny



9:05PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Very cool collage! Well done, as usual.



9:09PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Something sounds fishy about this story! ;) Great Collage Kimmers!



9:13PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

I've been there...great shots and nice collage. My favorite scene there was the ducks...they actually walk on the fish. It was funny! Nice shot of the lake!



9:19PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Love this collage , great shots ! Ana



9:19PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

This REALLY is amazing! CC



9:27PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

beautiful collage and I love Lake Mead.when I was in Louisville I went to a barge restaurant to eat supper and the fish and ducks were fighting to get food that people was throwing to them.very similar to your experience, but seeing that many fish at one time must have been a riot



9:28PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

I have been at Lake Mead 7 years ago, but I have missed this fish. A real joy to see your photo collection!!



9:28PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Very cool. I think I have been to Hoover Dam before... not sure. Li



9:29PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Very entertaining collage. Love that open mouth shot.



9:43PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Great collage Kimmers! Those fish were ravenous weren't they.LOL. Awesome images. Karen :)



9:44PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Ooooooowah... super ugly buggers ain't they!



9:49PM | Sun, 17 February 2008




9:55PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Really amazing images!!!



9:59PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

It's true, a way to any creatures heart is the stomach! hehe Neat photos Kimmers.



10:12PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

something I going to have to see when I go that way again. This is very good you put this together to show what going on. lol that is a big fish


10:36PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

huge trumpet like mouths! must have been amazing. Supper collage to go with your story Kimmers



10:38PM | Sun, 17 February 2008




10:56PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

I like the photo...very well done collage too but the fish are less than pretty.



10:56PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

These are some interesting fish. Glad you had a chance to see them and get a few shots of them.



11:06PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Carp, thats a lot of fish! Wonder what would happen if you fell in with them? If you made it back out you would probably be covered with giant hickeys!... lol... :) Nice collage. Todd



11:28PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Lovely coolage of the wonders of nature Lake mead has always been a special place :: thanks for sharing kimmers



11:57PM | Sun, 17 February 2008

Excellent collage and a wonderful story, Kimmers. I should send you a picture of the 10 foot Sturgeon we have here LOL!



12:11AM | Mon, 18 February 2008

Excellent collage.



12:21AM | Mon, 18 February 2008

Thats a lot of fish to feed. Interesting capture. Aloha



12:21AM | Mon, 18 February 2008

A great collage and fish story. But you should have seen the one that got away lol. thanx ;-)

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