Sat, Feb 8, 7:43 AM CST

TB3: Talice Starbreeze, Daughter of the Yuirwood

Poser Fantasy posted on Jan 14, 2008
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A principal character from the Twilight Blades, a D&D Forgotten Realms campaign set in Aglarond. “It had taken her a moment to recognize him. He had changed in the years since she had seen him last, when he left home to serve the Simbul’s army. Talice admired the young man before her. There was still much of the boy she had known in him, but he had become a man, and, she had to admit, a well favored one at that! “Do you make a habit of throwing women to the ground?” she accused. “Do you make a habit of spying on people?” Courynn counter. “This forest is my home,” Talice shot back. “I come and go as I please! Besides… who couldn’t help but hear this fool’s clatter!” “I’ll have you know I am here on the Simbul’s business…” Rynard started, but Courynn silenced him with a raised hand. “What business?” Talice demanded. “Whole settlements have gone missing,” Courynn answered solemnly. “I have seen them,” she confirmed sadly. “What do the two of you think you can do about it?” she laughed. “I’ll do what ever I can!” Courynn shot back. “They sent him to investigate,” he motioned towards the mage. “But the whole of the Yuirwood could be emptied before the council takes real action… and I don’t intend to wait!” Talice tried to reconcile the stoic man before her with the boy she had often caught peeking at her from behind corners… and couldn’t help but remembered the feel of his muscular body atop of hers. There was a strength in him… a fire she could see in his eyes that had not been there before. “Then I will join you,” she announced. A sly smile began to turn her lips as she strutted pass them both, and ideally wonder if the next time he wrestled her to the ground would it be more enjoyable…” Raised in Relkath’s Foot, Talice has never set foot outside the Yuirwood. A druid of Mielikki, and a master of the Yuirwood, she know the secret of the menhir circles that dot the ancient forest, and views its whole expanse as her home. Fierce, daring and capricious, she embodies both the Yuir elves’ love of life, and their deadly tenacity. Drawn into the Twilight Blades as it formed, Talice serves both Mielikki and the masters of the Yuirwood faithfully, but she sees the rift growing between the residents of the forest and the coastal lands around it, and fears the day is coming that she will have to break with her own people to stand for a unified Aglarond and the Simbul. The second image of my third pass through the Twilight Blades characters. Thanks for looking... Hope you enjoy! Comments and suggestions always welcome and appriciated! Credits: Victoria 3.0 with International Beauty Morphs by DAZ with mats from Bongolina The Jungle Queen by IngisSerpentus & prog, Strike Ponytail by DAZ, Vampir3Princess & Lesthat with matsfrom Strike It! Real Textures and Poses by Vampir3Princess, Celtic Archer by Bobbie25 & Umblefugly, necklace from Barbarian V3 by Lourdes Mercado & John Malis, rings, scabbard & sword form The Huntress by DAZ & SecretHeart, knife, sheath & brooch from Sanganien a luvae ar’ mire’ (props pack) by DAZ & Darkwhisper, spear & pose from DM’s Marlene’s Lair by Danie & marforno, and Heart of the Forest by DAZ & Laurie S.

Comments (17)



6:57PM | Mon, 14 January 2008

Fantastic work.


7:03PM | Mon, 14 January 2008

Fantastic image...a wonderful atmosphere!!!Hugs Jane



7:05PM | Mon, 14 January 2008

fantastic character, wonderful write up


7:17PM | Mon, 14 January 2008

Nice looking character!



7:21PM | Mon, 14 January 2008

Nice character and fantastic scene. Very well done!



7:46PM | Mon, 14 January 2008

Wonderful scene..Looks so natural:-9



9:07PM | Mon, 14 January 2008

As said before it is an awesome image. Looks so real. The character is lovely. Karen :)



4:40AM | Tue, 15 January 2008

Dave your lighting is incredible-has the feeling of being in the deep forrest. And a great character



10:48AM | Tue, 15 January 2008

AWESOME IMAGE....!!!!! 5/5



2:39PM | Tue, 15 January 2008

Belissima obra, aplausos (5)



6:50PM | Tue, 15 January 2008

She's fantastic! Great work!



1:14PM | Wed, 16 January 2008

Keen character you have there...



2:23PM | Thu, 17 January 2008

This is a very beautiful image! Excellent work of art! Five stars!



7:03AM | Sat, 19 January 2008

Charming work! Very nice done!



1:18AM | Mon, 21 January 2008

Excellent character!



12:28PM | Sun, 02 March 2008

I just love her a lotttttttt! She looks like my Morgan!!!!!!!! Ho she rockkksssssss! Oky +10 plus 2 fav.......what? We cant? Whyyyyyyyyyyysobbing Sorry they don't want me to put it i put +5 and a fav but know I would like nothing more than tripple it(plus it means that the cute looking elf who just happen to look like my face wahou! this make my day!)



6:36PM | Mon, 07 April 2008

Nice natural pose and beautiful expression. Stunning render.

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