Mon, Feb 17, 12:44 PM CST

The 1001 Yard Stare

Photography Atmosphere/Mood posted on Apr 23, 2007
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"If you stare into the Abyss long enough the Abyss stares back at you." ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

An overused quote, and a clich

Comments (37)



7:53AM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Good Lord Kort, ya got me quakin' fer shur :o) good one !



7:59AM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Oh LOL this is a real scary looking part of a male portrait! I'm not sure whether the center of the iris of the eye is real or not! If yes the effect looks fascinating! What an excellent light here!


8:04AM | Mon, 23 April 2007

That's quite effective! :-D



8:05AM | Mon, 23 April 2007

dude - that is scary! I see you are really enjoying this IR malarky! I think it might be tilted slightly clockwise, otherwise you may have broken your nose ;) It's about time i took an eye shot i think...



8:05AM | Mon, 23 April 2007

excellent image...



8:26AM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Very true!!! It does stare back!!!:)) very cool!!!



8:35AM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Zombie eyes. Cool. Are you auditioning you and your family for the next Wes Craven movie? ;)



8:43AM | Mon, 23 April 2007

This pic scare me Remember me The Exorcist.. BRRRRRRRR. Excellent and artistic work in this eye



8:56AM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Strange ! Scary ! ....Excellent !



9:04AM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Good experiment with infrared photos... stange but excellent!



9:11AM | Mon, 23 April 2007




9:37AM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Reminds me of the movie "The Hulk". Interesting effects. Aloha


10:08AM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Ok, this photo is fun for many reasons... I can zoom in and inspect your pores very closely... I can pretend I hypnotized you and you are under my power (like in the Outer Limits or something)... and I can swing my curser (just happens to be a pointed finger) around and over yoru eye and continually "poke" you in the eyeball to see if you flinch... LOL. nice clear shot.


12:04PM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Well, I clicked on the link in my email and then back on to IE when this just about hit me in the face - quite scary at first sight, but not so once you examine it closely! I love the abstract patterns of the iris - is that created from the use of IR or do you naturally have eyes like that??? LOL! I'm only asuming it's a self-portrait from what other members have commented on. Great shot - got to find me an eye now!! xx


12:10PM | Mon, 23 April 2007

The Hulk is back! Cool!



12:38PM | Mon, 23 April 2007

{@}~Hello my dear friend, Absolutely fantastic!!!!Wonderful Photography an excellent composition as usual, Congratulations! A million stars from me!!! Have a wonderful Monday. (Thank you so much for your encouraging comments) Hug and kiss in Your heart. Luminous blesing. Ludy{@}~



1:09PM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Yeah! Don't make him angry! You wouldn't like him when he's angry! BWA HA!



4:11PM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Frightening image.... *cellent photo ! smiley_147.gif



4:22PM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Brilliant work!



5:42PM | Mon, 23 April 2007

WOW Kort!! I've seen several IR eye shots before, but this is so special tho! And for me????? Thank you, Thank you and Thank you! Love the dark side of your post tho.. Specially ofcourse the eye inner part! You know what! There are something called BLACK LIGHT! Its that lamp you can see in night clubs, you know which i am talking about! Now if you get one from the nearest K-MART, they run so cheap now these days. And get into a very dark room without any kinda like, shoot the same eye again with the same IR settings.. It will really freak you out Kort!!!!! Thank you my friend again for the dedi and it went to my faves and basket now :D Have a nice day JOE



6:40PM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Nicely done and interesting!



6:47PM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Yes, I remember now....that's the last thing I saw before I woke up in the hospital. This is one scary looking dude, with the evil eye all but burning a hole in my monitor screen. Nice POV, soft clarity, and lighting, Kort!



8:24PM | Mon, 23 April 2007

dude.. I'm truly frightened



8:26PM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Very different features displayed on the IR version and very creative, I love the results.



9:02PM | Mon, 23 April 2007

that some post work there. I saw on tv this man takeinf airplane veiws of a land that the Romans had a big battle and he played witht he colors too in pbhoto shop to draw out something that you do not see with the eye. He find what he was looking for and i guess that man hade this look in his eye too.



10:49PM | Mon, 23 April 2007

Great shot, I think a tighter crop of just the eye could work as well.



12:47AM | Tue, 24 April 2007

Awesome eye!!!



5:42AM | Tue, 24 April 2007

wow so scary ! ... very nice pic !



6:30AM | Tue, 24 April 2007

I think so, Very Errie Eyes!!! Cool Work!!!



8:53AM | Tue, 24 April 2007

OMG, that is freaky and your caption fits this perfectly!

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