Wed, Feb 19, 4:27 AM CST

Toubled Lands, Troubled Minds

Poser Fantasy posted on Sep 02, 2006
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I've been sitting on this image for about a month. I submitted it to the DAZ calendar challange and I got the honorable mention. WOO HOO. Mordechai by T&A Royal Knight by Xurge3D Throne of the Skeleton King, Skeleton King sword, Esquire poses (modified) at Daz3d. Thanks for looking!

Comments (44)



10:10AM | Sat, 02 September 2006

looks great! bravo!



10:10AM | Sat, 02 September 2006

This is awesome! Should have gotten far more than honorable mention!



10:18AM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Looks so fantastic....very very good!



10:25AM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Congrats on honorable mention, the others must have been incredible because this image rocks!!!



10:27AM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Excellent work Rich and congrats on the honorable mention - Bravo my friend!



10:32AM | Sat, 02 September 2006

excellent scene and character with fantastic pose and lightning



10:36AM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Congratulations! Awesome image and it's well deserving. Love how he's got a troubled look just in his eyes that can be seen even with the near full helmet on.



10:38AM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Congrats Rich, I loved it when I first saw it. The lighting is spectacular.......



10:42AM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Oh now that is incredibly cool image, and congrats on that win!



10:46AM | Sat, 02 September 2006

WOWOWOWOW.... Well I don't know what won, but this should have in my book. The lighting is perfact, and the textures look fantastic. I think this is for sure a masterpiece. Awsome image, and hugz for you.



10:56AM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Wonderful scene and character! The whole thing looks very alive with the lights and I love the face and expression of your character.


11:25AM | Sat, 02 September 2006

That was almost a bad pun "Been sitting on this image" as he sits on his throne ;) ok so Im a lil silly this mornin but anyhow, congrats on your honorable mention for such a stunning image indeed S



11:54AM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Great POV and composition. His skin texture looks great, even if we can't see much of it. Congratulations for your honourable mention. I think I prefer other images in a calendar, though. 8-)



12:11PM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Fantastic image! Great armor, setting, POV and lighting!



12:13PM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Wonderufl and fantastic realization....!!! Impressive pov and lighting too....!!!



12:20PM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Kool render & lighting Rich, although the hanlde of the Skelly Kings sword looks a bit weedy, just designed for skeletons I guess ? Cheers



12:42PM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Love the POV on this and your lighting is extraordinary...beautifully done.


1:46PM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Excellent fantastic work Nyt!!!



4:54PM | Sat, 02 September 2006

this is freakin' awesome... most excellent work :)



5:14PM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Congratulations! I got honorable mention on their 2000 calendar, as I recall it was worth some $$$ toward models!! This is a cool image! love the point of view, and how the eyes are looking right at us!



5:15PM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Nice one, excellent work!!!!!!!!!!


6:12PM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Absolutely master piece/ Excellent artwork!



9:01PM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Very nice!



9:51PM | Sat, 02 September 2006

I love it!!!!!!


11:44PM | Sat, 02 September 2006

Awsome!! Love the work!!



1:12AM | Sun, 03 September 2006

absolutely fantastic!!


5:01AM | Sun, 03 September 2006

Truly awesome! This is one of the best pieces that you've ever done!



10:45AM | Sun, 03 September 2006

Like the POV - seems to enhance that cool mysterios face expression under the helmet !



1:11PM | Sun, 03 September 2006

Looks like somebody is ready to kick some butt!



2:44PM | Sun, 03 September 2006

Excellent scene, perfect composition.

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