Mon, Feb 10, 7:02 AM CST

Tuscan Villa

Bryce Landscape posted on Aug 13, 2003
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Bryce 5/Poser 4/PS 7. Hair painted by hand using the great tutorial by Toxic Angel. This image was completed only with the assistance of a very talented and keen eyed friend - thank you so much. Used 12 sphere lights and 6 cone lights with shadow softening set at 30. Used 36 RPP and Premium settings. All models/meshes were freebies found on the web. Please share your thoughts on our work.

Comments (39)


2:32PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

Whoa! Amazing! I love the mood of this! your modeling and lighting are simply out of this world! Great job!



2:37PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

wondeful work with everything is perfect.



2:55PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

you did an excellent work...I like it...


3:00PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

Oh man what a superb image ... The wet floor rocks and the wind in her hair and skirt are brilliantly done. Good use of colors !!! My vote !!!


3:11PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

Wow! One of your best works ever! A delight for the eyes! Those textures on the wall are fantastic! The floor and its reflections, also fantastic! Beautiful details. I love the chair tilted backwards. Excellent all the way + A VOTE!!!



3:16PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

Fantastic work of art!!!!!!



3:25PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

Fabulous scene with a fantastic atmosphere !!! The textures and the lighting are perfect too. Most excellent work + my vote !



4:25PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

wow!!!! you guys have truly outdone yourselves this time---the lighting, and textures are amazing and the reflections on the floor add alot to the overall imge. everything from the foreground to the background just rocks. IMO your best yet. i hope to see this #1 on the top20.


4:38PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

wow is right! amazing work! my vote!



4:59PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

Wonderfull job in their all aspects....!!!


5:10PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

By far my favorite of yours. Beautiful to say the least. Thanks for posting.



5:12PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

This is so stunning. All about this is wonderful to view. The leaning chair is a nice touch. top rank and a vote!


5:20PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

Wonderful Picture! I love all in this, specially the monochrom lighting!



5:47PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

This is superbly done! I wanna learn Bryce! lol. Those reflections and lighting have been well chosen. Even if I don't know Bryce, I know that this cannot be done by a mere Amateur. You are a genius! And of course, excellent POV, hues and choice in props.



5:47PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

great work here ,perfect textures.


6:08PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

Very nice! I like the interior section. A beautiful render.


6:17PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

A M A Z I N G !! Love the mood of this. =)


6:35PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

Everything is so awsome about this.Wow.



7:57PM | Wed, 13 August 2003

Oh boy, words really can not express this image, excellent classical painting effect!



12:32AM | Thu, 14 August 2003

amazing work here :-)My vote and My fav!



1:19AM | Thu, 14 August 2003

Stunning! Gets my vote.



2:25AM | Thu, 14 August 2003

Fabulous work. I love the wet floor and the way that you've made it look uneven. There's a very nice atmosphere to this image. Lovely!


4:11AM | Thu, 14 August 2003

Wonderful lighting and setting! You have my vote:):)


4:30AM | Thu, 14 August 2003

Spechless.....I love the whole mood and detail in the picture. Of course, My vote!--C.L. Kazuya, Chang


8:38AM | Thu, 14 August 2003

Amazing Artwork...My vote!!!


10:31AM | Thu, 14 August 2003

You have produced a real masterpiece here. Love the atmosphere with the wet floor, her hair and dress blowing in the wind and the excellent lighting.



11:27AM | Thu, 14 August 2003

Excellent done!really love is perfect


11:44AM | Thu, 14 August 2003




6:16PM | Thu, 14 August 2003

Terrific Image, the mats and lighting are sxcellent. :)



6:44PM | Thu, 14 August 2003

This is wonderful! Usually I browse the Bryce gallery in the morning, but paging thru the thumbs I couldn't stop clicking to look at it. This is so good! Everything is perfect and classy, from the POV to the light, reflections, postwork and materials. Most excellent and my vote: this is one of your best so far, IMO.

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