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Burn...my style is changing.

Digital Comics People posted on Apr 26, 2003
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I tried drawing my Burn character from the Dodge and Burn series I had hoped to make one day. I see my style is in a state of change. I like the way I shaded the old mask more.

Comments (17)


8:46AM | Sat, 26 April 2003

Well... I can't say that your old style was bad in any way... But your new one is even better!! Cool!



8:50AM | Sat, 26 April 2003

Thanks. I'm really upset I lost my inking set in a recent move because I'd like to try inking the new version of Burn. :( Oh well, at least I know someone likes the new approach.


9:17AM | Sat, 26 April 2003

All i have to say is it looks quite nice. Ok... i lied a little. I think the replacement of the sword for a gun was a bad choice.


9:18AM | Sat, 26 April 2003

There are more details in the new style drawing! looks like you're getting better ;)



10:26AM | Sat, 26 April 2003

new style looks better



11:04AM | Sat, 26 April 2003

Both are excellent drawings, but I really dig the new one. I think the rifle fits the character better than the sword. The angle of the new mask is more menacing, giving him more character. And it is ovious how you are paying more attention to details in the new drawing.


11:06AM | Sat, 26 April 2003

i do think the old mask looks better, but other than that, your new style is fantastic! Am drooling over the details and the way you shaded the leather jacket.


11:50AM | Sat, 26 April 2003

Both are amazing styles



11:55AM | Sat, 26 April 2003

This is what happens when excellent gets even better. Extremely cool. I am stumped, but also inspired to do some 2D work of my own. Well done, sir.


12:20PM | Sat, 26 April 2003

This is why you are one of my favorites, you seem to illustrate without forcing it. Nice contrasting Black and white



12:33PM | Sat, 26 April 2003

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! The sword isn't gone, it's just not in this drawing. the sword is a major part of the story and thus, will never be removed from the character for long.


6:39PM | Sat, 26 April 2003

holy shitaki mushrooms my friend, your style has changed for the absolute better! love the detail on the new stuff but i like the darkness to the originals...great indeed!


2:14AM | Sun, 27 April 2003

whoa.....reminds me travis charest's inked work...crazy



2:49AM | Sun, 27 April 2003

THanks. Barry Windsor-Smith, Jim Lee, Travis Charest, John Romita Jr., and Mike Mignola are some of my strongest influences (Along with Alphonse Mucha).



11:44AM | Sun, 27 April 2003

Change is good IMO! The only thing I'd crit about, would be the bolt handle on the gun (little knob thing near his hand) would be on the other side, on most rifles. Finding a left handed bold action rifle is pretty rare ;)


2:03AM | Wed, 30 April 2003

do what I do, Don't consider it a style chance, just a chance of pace. Don't pull a Chris Bachalo and go from cool to.. well.. underworked and boring, but still... keep them both. they'll both take you far.. which reminds me, I've been meaning to talk to you about cover art...


2:47PM | Mon, 19 May 2003

Both are tantalizing work in deed. Nice gear, really looks up for whit.

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