Sat, Feb 8, 7:27 AM CST


Bryce (none) posted on Feb 16, 2003
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Bryce only,, no post except for the signature, so feel free to rip it to bits,,:). I felt like doing a warm pic as the weather here is cold and dull,,, cheers for viewing.

Comments (39)



5:19PM | Sun, 16 February 2003

wow---amazing! I lovfe the contrast of the carribean beach and the dense foilage. excellent work!



5:22PM | Sun, 16 February 2003

Hobbit this is beautiful,like the idea,the composition and the colors,an excellent & colorful image.


5:23PM | Sun, 16 February 2003

WOW!!! This is fantastic. It must have taken you some time to set it all up. It is a joy to look at - so warm and inviting - as I sit here inches from a drafty window, with tons of snow falling and cold tems outside. It reminds of of a Bonsai setting.



5:48PM | Sun, 16 February 2003

Just amazing. So colorful and full of details. Plus, an awesome composition. Thanks for posting it!



6:05PM | Sun, 16 February 2003

exellent texture lightning...wonderful bryce is not a secret for you


6:16PM | Sun, 16 February 2003

Great detail, yet another very impressive work!


6:22PM | Sun, 16 February 2003

This is a beautiful work which changes with regard to what you usually make. Doubtless a little less in the Andy Simmons's spirit which we imagines, but it is something else... However, we recognizes the refinement of the vegetation:)


6:48PM | Sun, 16 February 2003

Idyllic, all it lacks is a beach bar......!! ;-)



9:00PM | Sun, 16 February 2003

I'll bring my own cooler. Don't need the bar. Just tell me where to find it. This Michigan winter is getting old...



10:08PM | Sun, 16 February 2003



10:46PM | Sun, 16 February 2003

Unbelieveably beautiful!!! Awesome blue sky. Really lovely colors. It's so hard to comment more this image speaks for itself. Excellent job!


10:48PM | Sun, 16 February 2003

Great stuffs



11:10PM | Sun, 16 February 2003

great composition



11:26PM | Sun, 16 February 2003




1:24AM | Mon, 17 February 2003

Very lovely


2:04AM | Mon, 17 February 2003

Wow thats a beautiful job It looks like Hawaii and with a hint of Japan. and trust me on this I live there



3:21AM | Mon, 17 February 2003

This is stunning; perfect colors, pov.


7:31AM | Mon, 17 February 2003

Beautiful image and the vegetation is stunning!


11:42AM | Mon, 17 February 2003

Were you ever a fan of Roger Dean? He was one of my favorite artists (and so are you), and this reminds me very much of his work. This is much more detailed than his work, more natural and realistic, but still with the same freshness of colour and style. I think it's wonderful - I'd love to see some more in the same style.



12:46PM | Mon, 17 February 2003

One for the purists, lets see em knock you now! Stunning every bit as good as all your other work.



2:42AM | Tue, 18 February 2003

What a beautiful work Andy! I love this one a lot...again : ) Colors and vegetation are so stunning! I like also the not antialiased effect...It really adds some cool noise on plants...


3:07AM | Tue, 18 February 2003

You nailed the composition on this one. Fantastic!



12:28PM | Wed, 19 February 2003

I love your work but for me this one stands out the most. It is so realistically unreal. It is just simply beautiful.



1:59PM | Wed, 19 February 2003

It`s cold here in good old germany - I love your picture and you have my vote !


4:48PM | Wed, 19 February 2003

Simplicity accentuates beauty. Great work.


5:34AM | Fri, 21 February 2003

my god, this is so awesome


7:05AM | Fri, 21 February 2003

Fantastic! Great job on everything, I especially like the reflection.



6:12AM | Sat, 22 February 2003

This is absolutly stunning, I have to find my jaw somewhere on the floor,..



3:04AM | Sun, 23 February 2003

Wow Andy my friend - this is one beautiful image - why you would even suggest that viewers 'rip it apart' escapes my imaginative reasoning. One of the things that I have come to admire about all your works is the realistic quality that still tends to mix with a Fantasy touch. I think it's in the brilliant use of your feel for colors and an excellent comprehension of light and shadow. This is positively a delightful image and your use of your mediums regardless of choice, is always expertly handled. Looking at this makes the world's troubles go away for awhile - such peace, beauty and serenity here. Another expertly crafted render my friend.



7:07PM | Wed, 26 February 2003

I truly love this image!

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