Remember you cannot abandon what you do not know. To go beyond yourself-you must know yourself
Artienne is my alias for 3d Artwork. In the past I used other name "Valgerd Kossmann" because I wanted keep separate music from other type of activity. The surname Kossmann is just maiden name of my mum and other members of my family. Before I had adventure with journalism, music, photography, traditional and digital painting. When it comes to post-work I use also different type of programs like FilterForge, Topaz, Photomatic Pro, Gimp or Photoshop. I have graduated in history studies and I am an qualified in Ancient and Medieval History. I am teacher of history in public school and graphic designer( creating web pages in Mac System). I started use Daz Studio two years ago and at the beginning had plans only use this program for private work. I wanted just do simple images of elves, fairies and combine them with my photos( background). After two years fun with Daz Studio I changed my mind and started to learn more about lighting, composition and post work. My goal is to show people some kind of magic and spirituality and I am most comfortable in this niche. I do commissions work for writers and private companies.
More information about my artwork :
My blog where I do interviews with different Artists
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Comments (10)
Gorgeous, and yes so beautiful. Excellent work!
crender Online Now!
Amazing !
Wonderful work!
Your new image is just awesome looking, wish you a nice evening and a great Sunday, stay vigilant and healthy!
Wonderful lighting and mood
Oh! Very nice. Very artistic render. I like the softness and lighting. - Bob
Very well done!!!
touching scene and mood!!!
It is very beautiful ❤️
Nice work