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DAZ|Studio Portraits posted on Mar 14, 2020
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So how's everybody doing/coping with the present situation around the world? I hope and pray for everyone's safety and well being. Have a good weekend! I was surprised to see my Psionne is 70% off at FastGrab. Thank you for taking a peek!

Comments (33)


12:20PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

Wonderful portrait !!!!!!!



12:45PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

I'm at great risk of getting the virus since I serve 3 grocery stores to stock bread. Very concerned myself.

Your image is amazing dear Jenny.



1:08PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

Psionne is simply awesome and she's got quite some heavy gear on here πŸ˜†

Lots of turbulences here in europe. Our government now decided to close all schools for at least 3 weeks! Furthermore they banned all assemblies bigger than 100 persons and Pubs must not have more than 50 persones at once in their rooms. some say it is the only way to slowdown the spreading of the virus, others say it is absolutely over shot and does not really help but making people anxious and isolated. I 'don't konw exactly what's true here, but I count the facts: For younger, healthy and stronger people it mostly feels nothing more than a normal flu. The only people who died from that virus where elderly and weak people. In a normal winter here there are equal or more elderly and weak people dying from a normal flu, but nobody counts them, because the viruses normally don't get the medial attention the COVID-19 gets. People are insane and empty the shelves in the stores out of panic. Sure, with out doubt: those who have a fragile health (problems with the heart or the lungs e.g.) better take care and be cautious. I talked to my hairdresser yesterday and she told me that smaller bussines (like she as hairdresser with an own Salon) are really in trouble by loosing so many money that they have to close down just because people are freaking out and cancel all the appointments. But with the appropriate attention (washing hands and keeping a certain distance to people), I guess this all would be less dangerous and, with a bit of coolnes and relaxing this whole thing could probably be better managed. (just my irelevant opinion).

But I sure hopr this is all over soon.


3:19PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

I agree with your rant, Alexander. These times, you go out to go through your normal way of life. But there is no more normalcy nowadays. People are panic-buying, empty store shelves, it seems like Corona apocalypse to me. Not sure how you put it. People are in fear, and I even read a news article about a couple of guys stabbing each other at the store from all these hoopla. Yikes!



1:38PM | Sat, 14 March 2020




2:27PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

Nice image. Very sharp. When people feel they don't have control, they tend to panic. Buying supplies makes them feel they have a certain amount of control. I'm in California and people are going crazy buying Toilet Paper and bottled water. I'm not sure why they are buying bottled water. It feels more like a zombie apocalypses than WW3. Actually, it's more like the 1918 Flu Pandemic (look it up). I'm old and am kind of isolated just by being old and I work from home, so I'm not that worried. But, I have taken some precautions (hand sanitizer and liquid soap) for when I do go out. Any event over 250 people has been canceled through April as a precaution. Unfortunately, I think the only way to kind of control this is to keep people away from each other as much as possible and wash your hands a lot. When possible, companies are letting their employees work from home, which should help a little.



2:35PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

Stunning sci-fi portrait work Jenny, she is a gorgeous chacter, and the outfit is really very cool.



3:13PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

Awesome image



3:25PM | Sat, 14 March 2020




3:53PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

Beautiful character and scene, Jenny!!! I am very sorry for what is going on in our world lately. I wish the best for everyone in every country to be lucky and not to get this horrible virus. What tomorrow will bring we never know, and if we make it, we will never forget it.



4:04PM | Sat, 14 March 2020




5:26PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

Psionne is gorgeous. An amazing render with her. She really is a very good clone of SJ. Love your work!


6:27PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

She's gorgeous - very beautiful render!πŸ˜„



6:44PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

Psionne is so wonderful--what a bargain to get her for a fast grab! She is really worth the full price since she has all those fun options, though. We are doing fine here since we always keep stock on hand (food etc) because of the weather in the winter, spouse is anxious about his company but what can you do? Keep well!


6:48PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

Hey, thanks, Lynn! Glad to know that you are doing okay, let's hope that we will all survive this global crisis.



7:07PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

Beautiful work on this scene with lovely Psionne, Lil' Sis! She looks awesome - especially in your talented hands!

I've seen some crazy things in my 71 years, but this insanity takes the cake. The media and panic-mongers have everyone in a state of foaming-mouth lunacy over this thing. People buying up thousands of rolls of toilet paper? People getting in knife fights in the grocery store? Over a package of Charmin? I have to wonder when the riots and mass shootings are going to start. As a species, have we really regressed this far?

I don't scare easily, but this has me truly scared. Not about the virus, about this totally maniac and idiotic panic. And the media just continues to fan the flames.


7:18PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

You are so right about this, Big Bro! It's quite a shocking thing! But it's happening for real. And not to forget those who will buy the items per bulk and selling the lysol wipes for almost a hundred bucks each. My brother in CA was at Costco yesterday and he said there was a couple with their car full of toilet paper, they are selling each roll for $20!!! Wow, they've gone too far.



9:37PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

Fine render, almost looks a photo



11:50PM | Sat, 14 March 2020

A fine render in a crazy world! Be safe where ever you are out there... 😎



1:34AM | Sun, 15 March 2020

a beautiful portrait with the subtle lighting and the attractive look of sincerity on the character Japan is all normal, especially 2 hours outside Tokyo in the countryside, I suppose generations of politeness, reinforced by Samuri chopping people up if they weren't, has instilled strong ideas of social decorum under pressure :) Mind you, Abe, isn't a narcissistic dork like Donald Chump and Bozo Johnson most government decisions are planned to work with business 'accords' and 'consensus'



1:57AM | Sun, 15 March 2020

Wow, Outstanding work!!!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ–



4:25AM | Sun, 15 March 2020

What a beautiful image and girl...despite her clothes, it's very realistic. Here, in France, Phase 3 started yesterday...everything is closed but groceries, bakeries...even tobacco shops (???) and I think that tomorrow it will be prohibited to receive people at one's place, like in Spain where you are not permitted to get out on the streets to take a walk.



7:49AM | Sun, 15 March 2020

Jenny, she is gorgeous and her hair is among the most realistic I have seen



10:30AM | Sun, 15 March 2020

Absolutely Stunning as always :)



12:23PM | Sun, 15 March 2020

Very nice image.



5:04PM | Sun, 15 March 2020

Adorable Portrait dear Jenny! Luxembourg suffers too and as Rod already said, RenΓ© and myself don't scare easily, but this has truly scared us, not only this ugly virus, but about this totally maniac and idiotic panic in every affected country!!! Take care and stay safe! πŸ’ž



6:10AM | Mon, 16 March 2020

Fabulous portrait, Pixeluna :)



10:38AM | Mon, 16 March 2020

awesome render... you did not know they had marked it down?? hmmmm I would hate to be forced to do sales.. worse one I was not informed of


10:59AM | Mon, 16 March 2020

The residual sales is always good for any vendors when some of their products go on sale. I bet any vendors would agree to that.



2:02AM | Tue, 17 March 2020

Jenny, this is very nice work. I’ll keep you and your family in my prayers during this time



10:20PM | Sat, 21 March 2020

For me I've been in self-isolation all my life so no real change. Yes 70% off is way too much off for such a good character. Make some more please !!!



11:33AM | Thu, 26 March 2020

This is a stunning portrait, Jenny, which is no surprise. You do such beautfiul, flawless work. I too have been self-isolated for many years so that part doesn't affect me, and we also live in a village so our chances here are greatly minimized, but... it is definitely unsettling and a bit "doomsday" feeling at times. Hope you and yours are well. :)



10:58AM | Sat, 04 April 2020

Wonderful caracter and presentation!!!



8:48PM | Fri, 17 April 2020

Oh I like her, she kinda has a Scarlett Johansson look to her.

Yeah, the pandemic is bad enough without all the hoarding and profiteering. But, on the other hand we have people going out of their way to help, so we see humanity divided into it's better and worse halves. Here, all public venues are closed down. Restaraunts and bars have either closed of are doing deliveries. No gatherings over 15 people, and people are advised to stay home and keep 2 meters apart when in public or face a $1000 fine. If we are even slightly symptomatic we are required to isolate at home for 10 days.. 14 if you test positive. We have an online test to determine if you need to go in for a swab. Country wide we have 30,898 cases and 1250 deaths. In Alberta so far we have 2397 confirmed cases and 50 deaths since the beginning of March.

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