Wed, Feb 19, 12:22 AM CST

The Witch Is Coming To Town only Poser 11.2

Poser Fantasy posted on Oct 30, 2019
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this was my 3d entry for the Halloween contest this year. I always thought of Halloween as an eerie day, not necessarily with zombies and demons, that's fine too, but for me the sheer imagination that my next door neighbor could be a witch is halloweenish enough for me. She has a black cat, which is adorable. She comes over every day, I feed her and cuddle with her, but then she looks at me and stares ... everytime. just stares at me. I swear, that cat is trying to take over my mind. This inspired me for this image. It totally inspired me to start creating a graphic-novel with this characters. :) This rendering has no post-work. Everything was rendered in one single render. The fence, the hand, the cat, the house, the rocks, the ground, the moon are all 3d objects, only the background is a painted one. (here I used a primitive cloth plane. The same cloth plane I used for the fog) I rendered with the 'depth of field' function, in poser 11.2 Happy Halloween everyone :)

Comments (32)



12:44AM | Mon, 20 January 2020

Love it!!! great illustration


4:53AM | Fri, 23 February 2024

Although cats are capable of intense gazes, rest assured that they have no intention of dominating your thoughts mapquest driving directions. Given that cats are inquisitive and perceptive by nature, the cat that lives next door to you may be observing you out of pure curiosity.

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