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Foreign Fields

Poser Historical posted on Oct 22, 2018
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As anyone who knows me should be aware, I'm very much anti-war. That's not to say I'm a pacifist, because I realise some wars do have to be fought. But, in my opinion, 1939-45 was the last justifiable war that my country (UK) fought. So it concerns me that there are people, in my country and others, that would willingly bring about the conditions that gave rise to that war. Hatred and mistrust, nationalism, isolationism, fear and division....these are all the things that put the pieces in place for a re-run of the mistakes of history. And a return to the total war of the last century would be truly tragic, because we have developed more efficient ways of killing larger numbers than were available then. And that is why I believe in the aims and ambitions of the European Union. By knowing and understanding other peoples it makes it far harder to go to war with them. They can't be used as a faceless, barbaric, baby-eating external enemy by unscrupulous demagogues in pursuit of power and dominance at any cost. To my mind, that knowledge and understanding is what has maintained the longest unbroken peace between European nations in the whole of European history. So it saddens me greatly that my country stands on the brink of throwing that all away. It disgusts me that there are countrymen of mine, who would willingly, and indeed gladly, tear it all down, re-build walls of division and take us backwards into the unforgiving arms of historical mistakes. And to those who would accuse me of being a doomsayer, those who think it wouldn't happen, I have to ask, seriously? Do you really believe that? If so, then I envy your naivety. Look around you, the conditions are falling into place, and the dark wings of history are waiting to gather us up.

Comments (5)



6:18PM | Mon, 22 October 2018

Bravo Andrew, couldn't agree more, can you let the president of the united states know ?



6:25PM | Mon, 22 October 2018

cool image my friend

bibliophyle Online Now!

8:14PM | Mon, 22 October 2018

I think the world will never turn swords into plowshares.



12:33AM | Wed, 24 October 2018

You get no argument from me...I live in the U.S. and am totally disgusted by Trump and his followers...it does seem like there is some sort of world-wide movement toward fascism/authoritarianism, and I would place my money on the Russian Bear to be behind all this...Brexit I believe was the result of their meddling--has their finger prints all over it...just too many willfully ignorant people on this planet which allows for such chicanery to transpire...all this hate and suspicion traveling around the planet I fear will not end well. Where is James Bond when we really need him?



5:22AM | Wed, 24 October 2018

"I envy your naivety".... I think you are assuming those who do not agree with you are naive... They might not be naive as you think... No one wants war... you live in a democratic country yes ? Use your voting power to make changes. Don't like the leaders running your country, vote them out... The problem is voting is something people don't seem to take seriously.... that is why we get leaders we don't like.... I think everyone agrees we have had enough wars...

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