I enjoy creating artwork in Poser, Photoshop CC, Vue, and DAZ Studio. I also have a passion for photography, and have been actively shooting for many years. I've been using Poser since Version 8, and am also learning my way around DAZ Studio. I've been using Adobe Photoshop since version 4. I also use Vue 10. I frequently use my photos as backgrounds, and composite my 3D figures into them.
I have been creating my web comic / graphic novel "The Girls From T.N.A." since fall of 2009, and have been a member of Renderosity since August 2009. I've made a lot of wonderful friends here, and have been inspired every time I visit!
I will soon have a more complete biography, as I am updating everything. In the meantime, have a look around my gallery!
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Comments (39)
My desk isn't this cool. Nicely done.
Great job and discription of your work my friend, o like doing my own monitor images also when it applies. Nice Render and babe.. Mr Rabbit Tina's computer wiz hacket would love hooking up with her.
I could do with a visit from Morgana to fix all my computer worries, she looks far more intelligent than I am . Excellent work with all the details with the screens you really do have excellent render knowledge. A super image with a lovely character. 😀
Outstanding work on this scene. Meara, just purred so loud I thought i was in a 8,9 quake. Apparently she like your lady. it's really hard to type when you have a hyper-active kitty in your lap.
How do you get IT help like her lol!!! Beautiful render and cool looking scene!!!
She's got quite the set up... but I bet if you call her with a problem with your gear she'll still tell you to try turning it off and back on again...
Wow! That is an amazing about of work you put into this image! I really enjoyed reading about it! Most informative! Gives me ideas! A most delightful render and superb image! Very well done, my friend! Very well!!!!
Beautiful work, RodS-san!
Very beautiful and very nice!
Lovely girl and nice work on the monitors, excellent image, my friend !
Really nice render...the lighting came out well.
Where I work, there's not only the paperwork but mandatory sensitivity training. I HATE SENSITIVITY TRAINING!
It's getting to be tie for me to evergreen my rendering system as well. Not looking forward to it though as I still have a job and other stuff to take care of for the next eighteen (18) years at least.
Sigh. No one in my IT department looks this good.
No doubt named after Morgan le Fay, the infamous sorceress of King Arthur times. Lots of metallic stuff with lots of explicit detail in this cool hi tech composition.
Morgana is so hot! Great scene!
MagikUnicorn Online Now!
Now this is what I love about TNA Org... they always have the best, and cutest tech's anywhere!!... can't wait for the next page in the story!
Stunning!!! I have so many things to do once I retire!
One of the joys of being a Stormtrooper is no paperwork. One of the bad parts about being a Stormtrooper? No hotties like her! I mean, have you seen some of the women in Imperial Intelligence?
Oh, I don't know..... There's always Captain Phasma....... 😜
I have the same props I think but your version totally rocks. now the IT professional is such a beautiful babe
Excellent scene work and gorgeous character!
Adorable scene, wonderful image!
Supremely Impressed!! I've got to get more adventurous with the light thing in DS. This is Fabulous!
she's a keeper good render
this looks great, all the work you put into it shows. well done!
Beautiful addition to the T.N.A. team. Looks like the I.T. Department has it now. ;)
Thats a serious set up, not sure what is more exciting, her or that set up lol
g1tip Online Now!
Great scene and excellent render! But, if I press "1" for English, are you sure I would get her on the other end ???