Tue, Feb 18, 8:27 PM CST

Morgana - I.T. Department

DAZ|Studio Illustration posted on Mar 29, 2018
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Here's Morgana, one of our top I.T. technicians making sure everything is running up to specs in one of our new installations. If I told you where it was, I'd have to kill you... And that gets messy, and it takes forever to fill out all the paperwork. Not to mention the resources it takes to track everyone down... So you'll just have to make up your own stories about where this facility is located! LOL OK - this is my first Genesis 8 render, and my first really large render after installing DAZ on my main machine. I just about gave birth to a moose when this rendered... The original image is UHD (3840 X 2160 PX). The image of Morgana and that ubiquitous Dystopia console (no background) took just under 40 minutes with a 1.4 render quality. I used my own light preset with 3 lights; key, fill, and backlight. The lights - all spots - were set to rectangular, 100 X 100, and between 50 - 120K lumens. I substituted my own images for the monitors - the one on the right being a photo from my Mavic drone. The monitors were a bit dark to start, but - knowing just enough about DS settings to be dangerous - I selected the screens, clicked the little Iray Uber surface thingy, set the screens as emissives, and plugged the images into the emissive color node. The background wall, floor, and conduits were all created in Photoshop CC with some new techniques I learned about while messing around on YouTube at stupid hours when I should be sleeping - whatever that is... Now that I've retired, it's beyond me how I had time for a job.... Well, now that I've put everyone to sleep (see, Mark, you're not the only one who writes a book on Rendo posts...LOL), I hope you enjoy the image as much as I enjoyed putting it together. More T.N.A. on the way! As always, thanks so much for dropping by, and commenting if you like - I really appreciate them all! Rod's Lair Facebook Twitter Girls From T.N.A. Twitter Page DA Patreon My Blog

Comments (39)



10:42PM | Thu, 29 March 2018

My desk isn't this cool. Nicely done.



10:57PM | Thu, 29 March 2018

Great job and discription of your work my friend, o like doing my own monitor images also when it applies. Nice Render and babe.. Mr Rabbit Tina's computer wiz hacket would love hooking up with her.



11:07PM | Thu, 29 March 2018

I could do with a visit from Morgana to fix all my computer worries, she looks far more intelligent than I am . Excellent work with all the details with the screens you really do have excellent render knowledge. A super image with a lovely character. 😀



11:22PM | Thu, 29 March 2018




11:40PM | Thu, 29 March 2018

Outstanding work on this scene. Meara, just purred so loud I thought i was in a 8,9 quake. Apparently she like your lady. it's really hard to type when you have a hyper-active kitty in your lap.



11:49PM | Thu, 29 March 2018

How do you get IT help like her lol!!! Beautiful render and cool looking scene!!!



1:12AM | Fri, 30 March 2018

She's got quite the set up... but I bet if you call her with a problem with your gear she'll still tell you to try turning it off and back on again...



1:20AM | Fri, 30 March 2018

Wow! That is an amazing about of work you put into this image! I really enjoyed reading about it! Most informative! Gives me ideas! A most delightful render and superb image! Very well done, my friend! Very well!!!!



1:33AM | Fri, 30 March 2018

Beautiful work, RodS-san!



3:20AM | Fri, 30 March 2018

Very beautiful and very nice!



10:23AM | Fri, 30 March 2018

Lovely girl and nice work on the monitors, excellent image, my friend !



10:36AM | Fri, 30 March 2018

Really nice render...the lighting came out well.



11:34AM | Fri, 30 March 2018

Where I work, there's not only the paperwork but mandatory sensitivity training. I HATE SENSITIVITY TRAINING!

It's getting to be tie for me to evergreen my rendering system as well. Not looking forward to it though as I still have a job and other stuff to take care of for the next eighteen (18) years at least.

Sigh. No one in my IT department looks this good.



3:32PM | Fri, 30 March 2018

No doubt named after Morgan le Fay, the infamous sorceress of King Arthur times. Lots of metallic stuff with lots of explicit detail in this cool hi tech composition.



3:40PM | Fri, 30 March 2018

Morgana is so hot! Great scene!


5:29PM | Fri, 30 March 2018



MagikUnicorn Online Now!

5:42PM | Fri, 30 March 2018


6:14PM | Fri, 30 March 2018

Now this is what I love about TNA Org... they always have the best, and cutest tech's anywhere!!... can't wait for the next page in the story!



9:45PM | Fri, 30 March 2018

Stunning!!! I have so many things to do once I retire!



10:32PM | Fri, 30 March 2018

One of the joys of being a Stormtrooper is no paperwork. One of the bad parts about being a Stormtrooper? No hotties like her! I mean, have you seen some of the women in Imperial Intelligence?


10:58PM | Fri, 30 March 2018

Oh, I don't know..... There's always Captain Phasma....... 😜



10:38PM | Fri, 30 March 2018

I have the same props I think but your version totally rocks. now the IT professional is such a beautiful babe



11:41PM | Fri, 30 March 2018

Excellent scene work and gorgeous character!



2:42AM | Sat, 31 March 2018

Adorable scene, wonderful image!



9:19AM | Sat, 31 March 2018

Supremely Impressed!! I've got to get more adventurous with the light thing in DS. This is Fabulous!



9:28AM | Sat, 31 March 2018

she's a keeper good render



2:23PM | Sat, 31 March 2018

this looks great, all the work you put into it shows. well done!



5:56PM | Sat, 31 March 2018

Beautiful addition to the T.N.A. team. Looks like the I.T. Department has it now. ;)



7:32PM | Sat, 31 March 2018




8:51AM | Sun, 01 April 2018

Thats a serious set up, not sure what is more exciting, her or that set up lol


g1tip Online Now!

10:28AM | Sun, 01 April 2018

Great scene and excellent render! But, if I press "1" for English, are you sure I would get her on the other end ???

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