The Victory's Price by giulband
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Victory is offered to the most valued heroes but all this glitter moment of glory has a price of pain and sorrow.
Comments (111)
Fantastic scene. Very nice image!
many lost their life and what for???? the victory of the rich! outstanding work and fantastic composed 😊
Very very nice image my friend!
OMG! That looks so good!
Your image suggests the famous phrase, "Sic transit gloria mundi". But it also reminds us that a lot of glory brings horror and destruction---as you state in your description. Our present president (Trump) believes in glory and victory, but he has no idea of the pain and destruction it brings. History has been filled with such leaders.
Your image is stunning: The woman pleads with humanity: She kneels, and she has her arms out: She looks like a symbol of victory; only she is pleading with people to stop seeking victory. And her stunning silver hue contrasts dramatically with the other hues of your piece.
You have huge masks here (as you have in a number of your images). They're chrome, they shine, and they have deep saturated hues. They're like massive ghosts, massive judges, looking over the result of 'victory'. Perhaps they're the ghosts of slain people...
And you have skulls on the ground. And some bones. And swords. The woman kneels next to a huge spear, with a Roman helmet on top: It almost looks like shes 'offering' that spear and helmet to the slain---as if she's saying "is this what you crave? is this what you want?"
In an ancient book, "The Book of Odes," ancient Chinese poets praised and celebrated the Emperors of ancient China. They prayed for the Emperors' health and prosperity. When you read these poems, you wonder: Why are people praying for the Emperors? Do those Emperors care about the people? Did emperors ever care about the people? Yet, for ages, people have been praying for their leaders, as their leaders lead people into futile battles, and as their leaders even murder their own people. When Stalin died, Russians stood in line for hours, to pay homage to their leader: Yet Stalin murdered millions of his own people. People adore power; so they adore victory.
Against the undulating chrome colors of those gigantic masks, you created a single voice of reason The woman. She pleads for understanding. Your image is brilliantly composed and conceived. And you illustrate your theme brilliantly, as always.
You right! Victory can be celebrated only by the Rest of the survivors,and generally real survivors are always the people who started the wars! Excellent renderwork! :-)
Indeed and all glory is fleeting.
virginiese Online Now!
It reminds me of the Greek heroes such as described in Homer's stories... and the unknown heroes of WWI and WWII. Great representation again !
composed perfectly. love these colors
Wonderful scene!
In old Rome victorious warriors who paraded down the great avenues of the city did so with a slave repeatedly whispering in their ear about failure and the fickleness of fortune... Well done.
A finely crafted work of symbolic art, portraying a powerful message on the hidden costs of 'victory and sacrifice'. Excellent work!
Beautiful image and so true!!!!!!!!!!
The precious rarity keeps the formal outcome within the reasoning of mere mortals.
Belíssima arte
There's a Chinese saying from a Tang Dynasty poet: "For every general who makes his name, ten thousand bones wither and bleach." (一將功成萬骨枯) You've expressed precisely the same sentiments as that poet here. Seems great minds do think alike!
The large faces in the background in this image seem to me those of some 'Higher' Powers, perhaps the gods; they're not human and have no human feelings, so they just stare on with indifference. A very chilling vision... :(
Cool image.
I love it!
Immagini magnifiche!
Need music.. Very cool.. drew me in right away...