Wed, Feb 19, 10:06 AM CST

Crazy Mix, Dont Ask

2D Fantasy posted on Jun 22, 2017
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Ok, So, I think I am back for a while. Not quite sure. Was so happy, the Retinal issues in my right eye got better, so I can finally focus, almost normally. The tissue has loosen a bit, so my vision is a little clearer and the eye doctor confirmed it last Friday. But Tuesday this week. I got the same problem in my non focus left eye, but worse. SIGH! The only difference is, that now I see much more curtains on the left, wich automaticly has influence on the good eye, but it doesnt spoil the clarity on it, as it did before. Almost back to zero! Anyway. I am gonna do what I always do. This image is a mixed media mess. Dont have many photos to share.

Comments (8)


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7:18AM | Thu, 22 June 2017

No crazy mix, my friend ;-). This is so cheerful and original of design, I love it, as I always admire your creations, Helle. I'm sorry, I did not fully understand what your eyes are like, but I understand you're having trouble with your other eye, so your right one. Know that I think of you, and I already wrote you, but only for myself in Dutch, and it's quite a lot, but I'm doing my best. Lots of improvement with your eyes, dear Helle! Your upload for Carin is sooo very colourful, it makes a fantastic birthday card for our friend.



10:58AM | Thu, 22 June 2017

Good news and then bad news! Lets hope it all gets better so we can enjoy your talents here for many more years. I love this decorative and pretty piece of work, and as you already know I really admire your ability to know when to stop at exactly the right moment !



12:49PM | Thu, 22 June 2017

Can't win for losing in re your eyes, Helle. How frustrating. You don't know how things are going to look from day to day. I just hope that everything pans out for you in that very necessary phase of life. That said, you came up with a very unique combination of subject matter in this quilt of items. And, I have thousands of photos to share.



11:18PM | Thu, 22 June 2017

This is a wonderful image, Helle! Good to see your fun work again!

Oh, no! If it isn't one thing, it's another.... I feel your pain, my friend! Several years ago I had a separated retina in my left eye. I had a great retinal surgeon - he welded the retina back in place with a laser, and it's doing fine. I now have a cataract in my right eye that I need to get taken care of before I retire. Getting old is a pain in the neck. And other places...

Sending prayers your way for fast recovery, my friend!



1:56AM | Fri, 23 June 2017

I am sorry for your eye's problem, but your spirit is very artistic and creative as usual !!!!



4:06PM | Fri, 23 June 2017

(I've had the privilege of seeing so much of your art privately that I don't remember if I've seen this or not!) This is another of your wonderfully free, easy dreams, with such clarity and simplicity. I love the decayed/faded handwriting---it seems like entries into a journal which have faded---and the circles and rectangles with print in them, like you're trying out fonts. (They look like ads, too.) Then you slap on those slabs of color---pure helle stuff---and two painted birds on branches, done in Chinese fashion. And you surround it by one of your multiple borders...I don't know how you come up with these pieces, but they're free and feel totally spontaneous; yet they work perfectly together: Everything belongs, everything relates. And they're a delight. Love this one too!

(I know your eye has been a constant saga, and I'm sorry that, even after good news, the bad eye now gives you problems. I know that, with stereo vision, if your bad eye is making veils, curtains, intrusions, it'll show up with the vision of your good eye. I'm sorry this is happening, and I hope it gets better soon---you deserve that. I'll be writing to you soon, Helle, but I had to leave a few comments first. It's been a while since I've commented here rather than in an email. I wish you all the best with your eyes. Know that your art, since returning, has been terrific!)



5:16AM | Sun, 25 June 2017

each piece is placed with love in the perfect place and it looks like a compositions of your thoughts that day 😁



4:40PM | Sun, 25 June 2017

You make this look so effortless! I always think, "I could do that." I can easily see what you've done, and I know I have the technical skills to accomplish something similar, but I'll be damned if every time I try I come up with something that looks NOTHING like what you do! LOL! So I have finally accepted that I will just love your work and never come close to anything similar. You're amazing!

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