Tue, Feb 18, 8:48 PM CST

Thank You Everyone

Photography Urban/Cityscape posted on Mar 22, 2014
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Hi. Thank all of you who celebrated my birthday Friday, and all of you who commented with wishes too. I appreciate every bit of it. I had "one of those days" yesterday, with family medical stuff, etc. I didn't get back till late. I'll comment on everything soon. But for now, thank you so much. It meant the world to me. In the meantime... Here's an image from last month: "Chicago Gray Winter". It's huuuuge so please zoom and scroll (both). After showing so much of Chicago's beauty, I wanted to show our 'grayer' side too. I hope I captured some of its strange, cloistered beauty... Thank you again, everyone, I'll comment on everything soon a wonderful weekend to all, Mark

Comments (17)



5:08AM | Sat, 22 March 2014

Nice perspective. Better late than never... Happy Birthday!



8:54AM | Sat, 22 March 2014

Fantastic capture and motif, Mark. I had no idea that it was your birthday, yesterday :) But vwery happy birthday wishes from me. March 21. ok- As, Campos say.. better late than never :) I hope you had a good day with the family to celebrate. And i hope that medical issues did not spoil the day too much. I like the way you captured the depht and perspective in the photo. But also the huge difference between light and dark. Dominated by the light. The naked trees appear as sculptures.



9:34AM | Sat, 22 March 2014

Mark, this is truly an amazing capture that goes a long way in illustrating you're point. Not only is beauty in the eye of the beholder, but often times it is found in everyday settings that we have grown accustomed to. Looking down this street reminds me of downtown Oklahoma City a bit over ten years ago before someone had the wonderful idea of reviving it. What I see instead of grey is a once proud area that is filled with great potential for the future if only someone with the right vision can be put in charge.



12:45PM | Sat, 22 March 2014

I love your high-key work in general, and this piece in particular. It's a perfect effect for the subject matter. I can FEEL the cold air and the bright, flat winter light. Excellent image!



1:13PM | Sat, 22 March 2014

I LOVE your style! Superb!



1:36PM | Sat, 22 March 2014

You've just given me an idea...you could do four series...Chicago Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Now, it'll take you awhile but it would be fun to see some of your iconic sights/sites in all four seasons. And of course it'd be fun to see how people dress seasonally too. If we stayed in one place long enough I'd try this myself:) I am a high-key fan of yours too! Well done.



7:04PM | Sat, 22 March 2014




7:33PM | Sat, 22 March 2014

wonderful work Belated Happy Birthday!!!



7:36PM | Sat, 22 March 2014

Lovely shot Mark a vry happy birthday and hope the next year brings great happiness my friend!!!!



7:54PM | Sat, 22 March 2014

Mark, I didn't know at the time, and since I learned of your birth date I've been trying to come up with a suitable dedi; not been shooting much, due to weather and the search for new digs, but I will, late as I am. This is gorgeous; I think it's the wide sidewalks that make these street shots seem so intimate, as though the wheeled creatures are in their own world. Beautiful high-key work again! And I hope your birthday was good!



11:05PM | Sat, 22 March 2014

got some big sidewalks there. cool looking



11:06PM | Sat, 22 March 2014

You got a great perspective in this shot and I'm continually intrigued with the interesting architecture in Chicago. Very nice work.



12:33AM | Sun, 23 March 2014

You're welcome, my friend. Nonpareil perspective in this fine rendering of the other side of Chicago, Mark, done in your own inimitable style. From your previous postings, that other than the obligatory brick used everywhere, I thought your beautiful city was composed entirely of elegant wrought iron, colorful flora, shady tree covered sidewalks, esoteric sculpture, pineapple gates, futuristic multiwindowed skyscrapers, et al. Oops, heh, almost forgot about the El and the stockyard. In any case, despite your perpetual concerns, I hope you had a wonderful birthday.



2:05AM | Sun, 23 March 2014

A late but heartfelt happy birthday, dear Mark, I hope your day was a great one, with lots of good moments! And I hope that this 'one of those days' was agreeable, probably some good moments now and then, maybe even a cake? I would bake you a large one! An apple cake, you know, with lots of raisins and almonds. Those are healthy and happy ingredients, you must know :) For the photography, well, I just sit and smile, enjoy the view and atmosphere, the thoughts it brings, with a coffee or two. Be healthy and happy, Mark, lots of love and light your way, be well and take much care on your ways.



4:09AM | Sun, 23 March 2014

I love areas like this. They have so much history. Lovely work. I hope you had a nice birthday.



10:43AM | Wed, 26 March 2014

A great city scene, somewhat cold & bleak, yet with a quiet dignity. I grew up in NYC & this could easily have been taken there. The brick buildings & the brick portions of the sidewalk have a great solidity to them, though the latter also show signs of age & wear. And I like the way that solidity gradually fades away as you follow the lines of the trees into the sky. I've been out of town & just catching up on the galleries, so a much belated happy birthday to you. And though I am one of the world's foremost procrastinators (a shame there are no awards for that), I will get back to your earlier gallery postings one day soon...



10:02AM | Thu, 27 March 2014

great perspective and tones, Mark!

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