Sat, Feb 15, 8:22 PM CST


Photography People posted on Feb 19, 2014
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I've started commenting, and I'll continue through the month. I'll throw up an image or two while I'm here, too, though I really want to catch up with your galleries... Thanks for your continued love and support and I wish you all a marvelous day and week! Mark (Pic's much better large)

Comments (17)



11:35AM | Wed, 19 February 2014

Very very good work !!!!



11:59AM | Wed, 19 February 2014

There seems to be at least two levels of curiosity here. This group of people (one family or perhaps more?) is looking at something that they are curious about (each one expressing it with a unique body position) & I as the viewer of your photo am curious about what they might be looking at - the object of their curiosity. And perhaps there's a third level - maybe you, Mark, as the poster of this image, are curious about how viewers will react to it? A wealth of intriguing possibilities in this seemingly simple image...



12:07PM | Wed, 19 February 2014

Brilliant high key work!! I just love this, Mark, it is truly outstanding! And, thankyou so much for your full (and rather overly flattering) comments. I thought your David story hilarious!! I had a Cairn who saved me from a rather unwanted advance by coming between me and the intender and growling soflty with halitosis. Very effective.



1:49PM | Wed, 19 February 2014

An interesting photo and does make me curious about what they are all looking at.



1:58PM | Wed, 19 February 2014

Mark, this is a truly sublime capture that really made my day. We all long to see the world through the eyes of a child, and that is precisely what you allowed us to do here today. Of course the title you chose is perfect, and is illustrated so well by the people in the image. I'm almost certain that the adults are getting even more joy out of the event by watching the curious reactions of the children



4:57PM | Wed, 19 February 2014




5:49PM | Wed, 19 February 2014

....if nothing else, killed the cat. Agreed, the family has found something of interest out there; possibly giant waves crashing against the shore of Lake Michigan, or watching a lifeguard rescue, or perhaps just contemplating whether to join the thousands of other souls overcrowding the beach - that is, if it really is a beach and not the park. Assumptions abound here. But what I find mostly of interest is the style of contrast, lighting and texture you chose to present this image. Lots of contrast here, but also subtle. Whatever the method, a terrific job in this rendition, Mark.



7:55PM | Wed, 19 February 2014

I also am a huge fan of the high-key effect; coupled with your almost graphic lines and textures it's a sure winner, and I'm wondering too what they're so involved with watching!



9:13PM | Wed, 19 February 2014

Its a pleasure to drop by Mark lovely work my friend!!



10:19PM | Wed, 19 February 2014

this is wonderful did



10:30PM | Wed, 19 February 2014

You do these high key fotos SO well. I love the feeling of this shot and wonder what caught their eyes. As Harry said, there's so many ways to think about this. And they're all just great!!



6:46AM | Thu, 20 February 2014

I will have to comment before all the other admirerer in here, as all they said, I agree with and now my head is totaly empty for new original comments LOL! But I can say, that I have always been in awe, when I saw these high key images, you are so brilliant at, dear Mark. I just adore them, this included, and what the people are watching so concentrated was worth knowing. I want to jump in and take a look myself :-) It is always great to see you uploading, dear friend. :)



3:49PM | Thu, 20 February 2014

welcome back



12:36PM | Fri, 21 February 2014




5:56PM | Fri, 21 February 2014

I love the way the people are grouped, with the tree partially obscuring the left side. It makes for a fabulously effective composition. SO pleasing to look at! It's an engaging image, excellently done. Top marks! :)



4:34AM | Sun, 23 February 2014

Incredible, isn't it, I mean those few shapes, lines and tones, that is all what is needed, to depict something. I dont think I will ever really understand how so little can say so much, you could even have left the title blank, Mark, because the image tells its story so clearly. Now I wish I would be able to look there, wherever their look remains, I'm very curious now. Beautiful to look at and certainly tells a story or two, Mark!



2:59AM | Fri, 07 March 2014

Is this one of those "spot the ball" competitions? You certainly have captured the curiosity of the group, and I love the post work. Now, are you going to let on what it is they're looking at?

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Photograph Details
F Numberf/5.0
ModelCanon PowerShot SX40 HS
Shutter Speed1/320
ISO Speed160
Focal Length50

Premier Release Product
Roja for G8F
3D Figure Assets
Sale Item
$14.59 USD 40% Off
$8.75 USD

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