Tue, Feb 18, 2:03 PM CST


Photography People posted on Jan 04, 2014
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Hi Everyone. Just wanted you to know I'll get back to comments as soon as I'm over this cold. I hit 104F (40C) last night; but with meds, it's getting better. You've all been grand, and I hope to see you soon. Peace, everyone! Mark (Pic's large)

Comments (19)



3:49PM | Sat, 04 January 2014

What a wonderful photo!



3:50PM | Sat, 04 January 2014

Love the subject here. am wondering how you managed to nave the white chess pieces not all washed out though.. well done.



4:20PM | Sat, 04 January 2014

The contrasts and concentration in this photo are marvelous. I've never really had the desire to learn chess (Scrabble is more my game), but I've always been intrigued with chess pieces. Sorry to hear you had a temp of 104. My healing thoughts are with you, my friend.



4:54PM | Sat, 04 January 2014

Great composition, Mark.Sorry you have been so unwell.Hope you start feeling on the mend. I am an avid chess player so this shot means a lot to me. Thanks for all of your comments on my work,too.



6:04PM | Sat, 04 January 2014

40ÂșC is a very hight temperature and it is dangerous, Mark! I am glad you are feeling already better! Your photo is splendid and you almost can 'hear' the players 'thinking' ... the monocolor was a good choice to help the atmosphere of the concentration.... Take care, Mark. I hope you recover fast.



6:10PM | Sat, 04 January 2014

First of all Mark, allow me to say please take care of yourself. I'm terrified to hear your temp was so high, and please consider going to the hospital if there isn't some improvement in your condition soon. The reason I say that is a friend of mine is going through about the same thing, and I don't want you to end up in the shape she is in now. As for the photo let me just say it did make my night. I would have been concerned about trying to snap this photo and break that concentration they have going on. lol



7:47PM | Sat, 04 January 2014

Oh dear, do take care Mark; as for this shot, it is perfectly stunning. In a way it reminds me somehow of Norman Rockwell's work, maybe because it is a character study. Anyway, I find it much more appealing than his detail-laden creations; you know how I love high-key! Rest up, please, and get better soon!



8:56PM | Sat, 04 January 2014

Fine composition & postwork treatment. Get well...



9:48PM | Sat, 04 January 2014

that high for sure. pray to Jesus to help you. anyway good to see a contrast here of a man in a suit and a working class man playing a game that is centuries old and is hard to play. they really into the game and the world around them do not exist to them any more.



10:18PM | Sat, 04 January 2014

Oh no, a double blast. You have a bad cold with fever, along with ultra freezing temperatures outside! Not the most desirable combination. Hope you get over it most quickly, Mark. As for the photo, it represents a superb ambience of two minds doing battle in deep thought. Really wonderful clarity, contrast and composition in this mono shot, my friend.



11:12PM | Sat, 04 January 2014

I love this foto; it's a wonderful slice of city life and their concentration is so apparent. And--get well soon!!



7:22AM | Sun, 05 January 2014

fabulous photo



8:45AM | Sun, 05 January 2014

Fabulous portraying, Mark. Chess is a game that takes focus and concentration, in high amounts. My father taught me to play Chess, in my childhood. He always beat me :) The body language of these 2 chess players, tells how much goes on in a chess players mind, during a game of chess. I hope you get antibiotics for that 40 C fever...it is on the edge of danger. Best wishes.



5:28PM | Sun, 05 January 2014

Wonderful, Mark, such a great atmosphere, I could sit there and just stare, all time, and I think while enjoying this scene so much, I wouldn't find the time to play a game of chess. I enjoy the serenity, so much tranquility, yes, I think this is the perfect opportunity to sit and to watch for a while. And of course I hope you feel better, such a high temperature is dangerous, please take as much care as possible and consider a doctor or maybe the hospital! Be well, Mark, sending out many healing wishes to you :)



11:21PM | Sun, 05 January 2014

I like it that this could be anywhere. Men playing chess outdoors in the city ... what could be more universal? It takes a certain kind of mind to play chess ... and whatever kind that is, it certainly isn't the kind I have! LOL! These men could go to any large city in the world and find a game, be respected for their skill, and not need to know a single word of the language. It's a fascinating thought. A wonderful image, beautifully and sensitively done.



4:47PM | Mon, 06 January 2014

I find myself thinking, "What are they thinking?" I sit and stare wondering. Excellent composition. Fascinating subject. And the high key lifts them off the background. Nicely done Mark!!!



7:13AM | Tue, 07 January 2014

Mark a thought provoking piece of photography beautifully worked my friend!!



4:42PM | Mon, 13 January 2014

Great image. I feel like we could be there watching, as you were taking the picture, and they wouldn't notice; complete focus on the game.



6:30PM | Tue, 21 January 2014

Excellent photograph - great composition. You captured those thoughts. Very good work.

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