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Poser (none) posted on May 23, 2012
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Zaera (who is Zuleica's sister and guardian of the Hyperborean reaches of the North) has come to say "Thank YOU!!" to all who responded. She's a little purple herself from the cold hyperborean winds and just a tad mad but we don't mention that. Skin texture, makeup, hair mat and morph by me. I really appreciate you all responding and dear Odile, you did a wonderful job with those purple eyes :) Merci beaucoup!! Have a wonderful Wednesday dear friends and the offer still stands, if you would like to have the purple eyes - they are yours to have. They only need testing in DAZ now and they will go in the store along with the Brown Eyes set - which is still on sale at 20% off until next Friday. Thanks so much for your comments, favs and your own inspiring art my dears :* Ray

Comments (15)



1:36AM | Wed, 23 May 2012

whoa! Dude-ett! she looks very cool, really a standout with those eyes! look'in good Ray! :o)



1:41AM | Wed, 23 May 2012

You are most welcome,my dear.I hope your purple eyes make it to the marketplace so I can add the credits! Great purple symphony here. Very intriguing face texture. The eye make-up makes me think of the Egyptian "oeil Oudjat" , the eye of Horus. Clever!



1:44AM | Wed, 23 May 2012

She looks the colors!!



2:14AM | Wed, 23 May 2012

Wonderful work,



3:42AM | Wed, 23 May 2012

The face has a very interesting texture and I like that monochrome color it gives the image a mysterious athmosphere. Good work, gr.Rudy.



3:46AM | Wed, 23 May 2012

Fantastic work :)



3:50AM | Wed, 23 May 2012

Marvelous portrait, totally in pink!



5:24AM | Wed, 23 May 2012

Great portrait, love the pink color palette....excellent done.


eekdog Online Now!

7:26AM | Wed, 23 May 2012

aaaaaaaaamazing!!! love your portrait Rayvn..



7:48AM | Wed, 23 May 2012

Very cool and interesting portrait



11:13AM | Wed, 23 May 2012

Superb morphs, textures and eyes, excellent work !



1:32PM | Wed, 23 May 2012

. Wow! This looks stunning!



2:19PM | Wed, 23 May 2012

Great looking character and textures...yes please, i will test them in Daz for you :-)))))



9:48PM | Wed, 23 May 2012

Now that's Purple. She's gorgeous and very in your face. Great skin tones and cool pattern on the face. Excellent purple!


RodS Online Now!

11:04PM | Wed, 23 May 2012

Wow, Ray! This is a real mind-blower! A bit mad, huh? Kinda like a 'purple rage?' - Sorry - couldn;t resist! LOL! Those eyes are just excellent! I have the brown ones, too - great work!

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