Tue, Feb 11, 7:15 PM CST

Another Odd Couple (Game of Rings #2)

Vue Fantasy posted on Feb 18, 2012
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(Those of you NOT familiar with "Lord Of The Rings" and "Game Of Thrones" probably won't understand too much of this - don't worry, it's silly...).
Jaime Lannister and Arwen Undómiel in a dispute:
Jaime: "Arwen, so here you are. I heard you were around..." Arwen: "Can't hide anything from you, Jaime..." J: "Any particular reason for your visit? You know we don't..." Arwen:"You don't what? Don't be so hasty...I just want to see if I could perhaps make myself useful, and mingle a little with the characters here. Aragorn is here too..." Jaime:"...ooh..Aragorn...don't worry about him. In my book he's a bigtime has-been. Perhaps he'll look better with my sword in his back..." Arwen:"What? I thought you liked kings...very much so...being known as the "King's Layer" (giggle)..." Jaime:"Arrh, OH, so stupid..not at all, my knickname is "King Slayer", and I hate it by the way. Now, Arwen, you know we don't allow Elves around here, they don't fit in..." Arwen:"Oohh...too bad...perhaps I could pass for a "White Walker" - my dress is white..." Jaime:"We don't allow the White Walkers around here either, anyway the White Walkers have been dead and gone for thousands of years..." Arwen:"Dead and gone? How can that be, when I'm immortal..." Jaime:"What? Oh, yes, as an Elf maybe, but not as a White Walker, and you're not really..seven hells this is getting silly!!!" Arwen:"Yes, why don't you just get off my back, and go have a drink - I suggest a Johnny White Walker on the rocks of Isengard." Jaime: "Stop it! You're getting inside my head with your nonsense!" Arwen: "Ha-ha ... Lasto lalaith nîn ... Garich i dhôl goll o Orch..."
Didn't really think I'd make another one of these, well anyway :) Related:
"Mixed Couple"
thumb_2299624.jpg "Romance on the Bridge" thumb_2210670.jpg Vue, Poser and Photoshop. Items from DAZ,Renderosity and myself. Thanks for viewing - comments always welcome and appreciated. Have a nice day - Lars

Comments (32)



5:49AM | Sat, 18 February 2012

Splendid piece of architecture ! And excellent lighting playing with the columns. Superbely done.



5:52AM | Sat, 18 February 2012

Very nice scene with excellent architectue and light!



5:53AM | Sat, 18 February 2012

Beautiful render & lighting!



6:01AM | Sat, 18 February 2012

I really admire your lighting here Lars... wonderful shadows and texture details..5+



6:17AM | Sat, 18 February 2012

This one has better lighting, and a more interesting scene. The poses are even more natural. I especially like the effect of the backlit leaves and flowers in the foreground.



7:20AM | Sat, 18 February 2012

superb scene,and render



8:03AM | Sat, 18 February 2012

The lighting is excellent and the poses are very natural - once again, a perfect scene!



8:34AM | Sat, 18 February 2012

Excellent work and natural lighting.



8:44AM | Sat, 18 February 2012

Great job and beautiful cloching!


Ken _Gilliland

8:48AM | Sat, 18 February 2012

nice work



10:26AM | Sat, 18 February 2012

Excellent work!



10:26AM | Sat, 18 February 2012

Gorgeous scene!



12:50PM | Sat, 18 February 2012

Romantic scene, great charakters and pose!



1:08PM | Sat, 18 February 2012

Splendid piece of architecture !+5



1:25PM | Sat, 18 February 2012

~Really beautiful!~



2:03PM | Sat, 18 February 2012

Fantastic work.



2:50PM | Sat, 18 February 2012

Great composition and shadow play.



3:48PM | Sat, 18 February 2012

The image is infinitely better than the writing...



5:31PM | Sat, 18 February 2012

Excellent scene and good humor. I don't know Game of Thrones that much, but I can certainl read the inferences. Excellent lighting.



8:05PM | Sat, 18 February 2012

Very beautiful image



9:04AM | Sun, 19 February 2012

Stunning. Instant fave.



10:14AM | Sun, 19 February 2012

very nice and natural looking of the scene with an addition of good shadows



12:05PM | Sun, 19 February 2012

gorgeous architecture my friend, beautiful characters and an excellent composition1 *****



3:35PM | Sun, 19 February 2012

Lovey scene :)



12:24AM | Mon, 20 February 2012

I think Arwen has the upper hand for sure and if she keeps up the silly Grrrl talk, then I think this King's Slayers days are numbered ! Interesting story twists and fine render ! ~Cheers~



5:33AM | Mon, 20 February 2012

It's always a pleasure to look at your work Lars!



2:30PM | Mon, 20 February 2012

Very beautiful scene, superb!!



11:13AM | Wed, 22 February 2012

amazing work as usual!!!5+



12:57PM | Sat, 25 February 2012

excellent work, beautiful scene to the film



4:43AM | Wed, 14 March 2012

Great work

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