Mon, Feb 10, 9:02 PM CST

In the Beginning ... for Rob

Photography Aviation posted on Jan 11, 2012
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In the Red Barn at Boeing in Seattle ... the very early days of aviation. When you come out here, my friend, we'll take you to ALL the good airplane places! :D Hope you have a great day ...
Happy Birthday, Rob!
size=6> color=dfa84d>

Comments (38)



2:44AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

beautiful photo !



2:49AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Its 'plane' to see that this is a super pic Tara and a great dedi to Rob Happy bithday Rob.



2:56AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Stunning capture and dedication for Rob. Happy birthday Rob. God Bless.



3:00AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

What a beautiful dedication for your friend :-)Happy Birthday Rob.



3:52AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Very interesting, and a beautiful picture. I may have said before that one of my silliest decisions was NOT to buy a very beautiful wooden propellor for £30. Mind you, at the time it was about 3 weeks wages for a working man.



7:06AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

I like the wood tones and the fact that it shows the old way of building airplanes. Very nice picture.



8:19AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Very cool image and great dedication to Rob Happy Birthday Rob!



8:33AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Just look at the craftmanship. Are these on display all the time or part of an ongoing resto. Stunning image!



8:39AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

This is so fascinating and a beautiful photograph.



8:52AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Wonderful capture and Birthday dedication!!



8:55AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

AmaZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzing ambiance lighting!



9:07AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Fascinating capture of this wonderful scene!



9:37AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

What a well created and interesting looking place to explore! Several thousand pictures taken here I trust lol Thanks so much for the dedi, my friend.. :-) Rob



11:31AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Wonderful photo , great lighting and colors !



11:44AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

wow, just gorgeous. those warm tones are beautiful!!



11:55AM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Wonderful, rich textured image of a time gone past. Thank you for sharing it. I would love to see, smell, and touch things in that woodworking shop. Sadly, Boeing is no longer a local favorite since it announced closing the plants here in my home town.



12:28PM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Superb! 5+! Thanks a lot.



2:05PM | Wed, 11 January 2012

A true prop-heads dream for a true prop-head, great dedi Tara and Happy Bidet Rob :-)


4:31PM | Wed, 11 January 2012

A very interesting shot Tara! My brother once worked at Western Propeller in Edmonton but I never saw his surroundings, perhaps they did this too back then. I frequently see wooden propellers at the Aviation Museum in Edmonton (where I am doing some volunteer work) and marvel at their workmanship. My interest is in marine propellers and I have a large bronze one downstairs, and an anchor as well. All I need now is 70 feet of what goes in between!



4:52PM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Great pic Hugs Susan~



5:19PM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Wow, what workmanship and how well you captured it Tara. I think Rob would be overjoyed if he could explore there!



6:06PM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Nothing beats something made from wood, great shot.



7:30PM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Most interesting and sweet dedi to a friend. :)))))) Most excellent lighting and capture my friend. :)))))))) Happy Birthday Rob. :)))) Wishing you a most sweet day. :)))))) Thank you for sharing all of the beauty you see my friend. :)))))) Carry A Smile In Your Heart :)))))))))



8:18PM | Wed, 11 January 2012

Wonderful and interesting shot!



1:34AM | Thu, 12 January 2012

I missed this room when I visited. I love wooden planes. The craftsmanship was superb. A wonderful image which takes us back to those early days.



3:47AM | Thu, 12 January 2012

Impressive place! I like the angle of the shot, it gives a large view of the room.



8:08AM | Thu, 12 January 2012

Wonderful light in this stellar image Hun - so perfect for Rob! Happy birthday Rob!



1:15PM | Thu, 12 January 2012

Very well done! Wonderful lighting and subject.



1:28PM | Thu, 12 January 2012

a room full zest for action and knowledge and endless hours of work - beautiful old wood pieces waiting to be used... superb POV and warm tone in this! 5+ :) ..and congratulations to you for the gallery of the year, its earned!



4:37PM | Thu, 12 January 2012

Oh, this is absolutely exquisite, Tara! Wonderful warm wood tones, and I love the way it looks like everyone's just gone to lunch and will be back soon to finish work on this prop. OH, MAN..... I didn't know it was Rob's birthday.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mate!

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F Numberf/3.2
ModelDiMAGE Z3
Shutter Speed1/50
ISO Speed50
Focal Length6

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