Mon, Feb 17, 5:05 PM CST

The Essence of Christmas: Joyfulness

Poser Seasonal/Holiday posted on Dec 20, 2011
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Joyful is something more than just being happy. It is sort of being happy and thankful at the same time. When you are filled with joy, it is more a lifting of your spirits to a new high. One can be happy and still feel like their feet are on the ground. But when you are feeling joyful your head and the rest of you is up there floating in the clouds and you are feeling so good all over, and so happy inside that your spirits soar. To feel joy you have to reach out, with your soul, connect in a magical sort of way. If you ever had a joyful moment, you know exactly what I mean. There is nothing like it. Wishing everyone a joyful Christmas and a wonderful new year! A huge thanks to Mihrelle for her ever gorgeous Karis Pearlized background by Savage_Dragon (thank you, Angel), I added the other elements to finish the layout Tootsie hair from DAZ mixed with Ilona's Instant hair available at RMP Lighting from my TwOne set Outfit from RDNA Thank you for taking a peek at my work. PREVIOUS: The Essence of Christmas: Kindness thumb_2280666.jpg

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Comments (77)



10:17PM | Tue, 20 December 2011

Thank you for the reminder. Sometimes it is hard to remember in our everyday bustle that there is always time for joy.



10:20PM | Tue, 20 December 2011

This is beautiful! Excellent work!



10:20PM | Tue, 20 December 2011

OMG....Jenny this is a truly marvelous image my dear, very delicate and soft, fabulous composition, the title is perfect loved it very much! 10*



10:20PM | Tue, 20 December 2011

Wow, that's so beautiful, Jenny! I love the softness & her skirt is amazing. Merry Christmas, my friend! Big hugz ")


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10:32PM | Tue, 20 December 2011




10:32PM | Tue, 20 December 2011

Wow, what lush colors, and textures. Lighting is Perfect. and a great Touch for the season. Great job Jen!!!



10:33PM | Tue, 20 December 2011

Very Beautiful !! Love pink, my favorite color !! Excellent Work !! :)



10:33PM | Tue, 20 December 2011

Awesome Christmas scene, Merry Christmas with many blessings



10:38PM | Tue, 20 December 2011

beautiful :-)



10:47PM | Tue, 20 December 2011

this is a joy to behold friend hugs from afar Carl



10:48PM | Tue, 20 December 2011

this is wonderful looking



10:48PM | Tue, 20 December 2011

I just got through playing chess on my computer and to see this piece on a chessboard is like - wow... chess pieces made from dancers would be cool... the pawns on the black team could be Zombies from Thriller - lol... I'd love to make chess pieces I'd feel JOYFUL doing it IF I kept a great ATTITUDE... - attitude is what brings Joy to life.... It's like two people can watch a football game, they both like the team the same, but one guy cheers and Jumps for joy - it's all attitude! Lovely Picture, ballerinas are so graceful - I really don't know which I like watching better, ballerinas or Gymnists.



10:49PM | Tue, 20 December 2011

I like the pastel colors and exquisite workmanship always. Congratulations again. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ((5 + +)) J'aime bien ces couleurs pastelles et toujours un travail exquis . Bravo encore . Un Joyeux Noël et une Bonne Année Nouvelle ((5++))



11:14PM | Tue, 20 December 2011




11:49PM | Tue, 20 December 2011

Thank you Jenny! Joy to the world And all the best in the coming year!



12:35AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

Lovely image and such pretty hair!!



12:36AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

Fabulous image and words Li'l Sis you hit the nail on the head, as a old friend of mine once said, It takes things to make people happy and once those things go so does the happiness where as Joy and joyfulness is something that comes from the inside and wells up from within. You can have joy in persecution where you may not be happy in the circumstance but it can't affect the joy inside.. I never have forgotten this and how right he was, He told me this one Christmas many years ago. He has passed away now but his words still ring in my ears every Christmas.. Fantastic image and lovely ballerina and outfit, first class work!! So I wish you and yours a Joyful Christmas Li'l Sis, hugs Big Bro!!



12:51AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

Wonderful picture! May your Chritmas be full of Joy! Cheers Odile



12:55AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

Very beautiful! Merry christmas to you!



1:11AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

Very beautiful artwork in a fantastic color combination. Joyful is indeed a splendid word Jenny. So I wish you a Joyful Christmas and a creative 2012. Thanks for this- and all the nice artworks this year, you gave us. Frans



1:52AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

Very nice composition, merry christmas!!



2:11AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

Your image is a wonderful illustration of your words: a smile to express happiness, and the movement for the spirit that flies ... unfortunately difficult to reach in reality! Superb image, amazing color palette! Merry Christmas Jenny!



2:15AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

Amazing artwork, beautifully done!



2:27AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

LMAO @ Mikerson...leave it to him to compare this to zombies lol. I love your border stuff, you have a knack for that. And wow am I ever thankful you can't put a tutu on bats!



2:33AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

So beautiful and wonderful image. Great work. Like the colors and the joy in this image.



2:37AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

and the soft kind of pastellized color palette goes well with the words. in fact i am joyful everyday ,until i meet the first idiot on the street,wich is mostly 1-2 minutes after leaving the house heheheh. happiness and joyfulness very precious gifts



2:46AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

She is beautiful Jenny! She does show that uplifting softness and magic one needs to feel joy. Wishing you a Very Merry Christma and a Happy new Year! Hugs Liz



2:48AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

very beautiful



3:11AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

gorgeous...i lov ballet...and this is so beautiful!



3:30AM | Wed, 21 December 2011

Absolutely superb Jenny. It is a reminder that things don't always have to be against us and that there are joyous experiences if we just open our eyes. Merry Christmas my friend! Steve ;)

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