Madness of Black Magic for Nick and Mikeerson by mgtcs
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Meu nome é Monica, nasci no Brasil em Recife, Pernambuco em 15 de outubro, sou advogada, tenho mestrado e doutorado em psicologia criminal . Sou casada há 15 anos e não tenho filhos. Adoro todas as formas de expressão artística, escrevo poesias desde os 14 anos de idade. Adoro fazer amigos! My name is Monica and I was born in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, in October 15th. married for the last 15 years and with no children.I am a lower and I have a D.Sc. in Criminal Psychology. I love all forms of artistic expression, writing poetry since I was 14 (all of it in Portuguese, I'm afraid). I have been in love with digital art since 2004. I sincerely thank all my visitors!
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Comments (134)
Great image and double dedication. Personally, I think you had the priorities in the right order. it's how I would have thought....
Awesome her hair!!
The colors of ths picture are really magnificient! Her hair and pose, the smoke the apparition all contribute to the magic situation and illustrate how dangerous it is to dabble in black witch craft. Really well done!
Super, Monica..great dedication too! :)
A great image and I love how you have done her hair, she really has had a fright with these spooky spirits. Your storms sound to have been very scary and I am glad you came through it OK.
Wow Monica, This image is so well done it is frightening. Expertly created and crafted but a very disturbing topic. I'm very glad you got thru the storm Ok. Curreently we are in the middle of a blizzard :( high winds, so far over 9" of snow and -10C temp. It is supposed to be spring like again on Monday, so just have to wait it out.
It would make your hair stand on end and you managed to capture the situation very skillfully Monica!! really done in a fantastic way my freind!!
cool work!
Internet would be the last thing on my mind as well. Glad to hear the storm passed and your ok. Stay safe.
Very scary atmosphere! Fantastic details! Excellent composition! (:
donnena Online Now!
Wonderful and provocative image!
Great job. My favorite kind of render.
Ooooo I like this!
very interesting, and cool image!
excellent image monica and Glad to hear that storm is over.
cool image Monica, can't wait for the bg's hon. superb fx and color palette. 10*s
fluffykatt Online Now!
An Excellent birthday dedi
Fantastic!!! 夢幻のような美しさ。
Fantastic render Love it sweetie Hugs Susan~
Wonderful dedication!! Nice atmosphere!
Monica, isto é uma maravilhosa obra de arte o meu amiga doce. Ele é uma dedicação magnífica a Mike
awesome :-) hugs
Really outstanding fantasy work. Great effects. Excellent!
Really gr8 image!!! 5+++ :)
Beautiful!! So much to see here!! (Look at it BIG people!!!) Love the tear!!...that special touch!! Awesome Monica!!
Wonderful image and dedication. Excellent pose and expression. She looks all twisted up in mind, body, and spirit, and her expression is one of mad hopelessness. Nice touch for the tear to be of blood and the eye color to match the purple of the walls, that have become her cell. The background is amazing. The demon is very threatening as he casually looks down on her. I love the textures of the wall with hints of flowers that imply this was once a happier place. Wonderful detail and light. Superb render! I'm glad you're okay. Take care.
OMG! I hope you are safe now, Hon! And I can't believe after all that you still managed to make a render! Gorgeous work, Sweetie!!
A most electrifying scene! Very well constructed and delivered! A most delightful pair of dedications as well! I feel they both appreciate your kindnesses! Sorry to hear about your power failure! It must have been rather unsettling! I am glad you are recovering and still able to be creative! Best wishes for a safe and secure future!
Wonderful scene and great work
Fabulous Monica super dedication for the birthday boys, love her hair.. Glad you are ok and that it wasn't the end of the world lol.. Have a super day my friend!!