"Black Swan Watermill" Elven Village by bigbraader
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My real name is Lars, and I live in Denmark. All my life I've been drawing and making pictures, occationally as a "professional" but always with an amateur ("for the love of it") approach.Being a proficient airbrush artist, the jump to computer graphics (Photoshop, Painter) wasn't all that hard for me, it was just a question of understanding how to employ the techniques to this new medium.
In july -02 I dug into the world of 3D rendering for the first time, in Bryce 5. A truly fascinating experience! My computer has been rendering ever since ;o)At the beginning I thought I'd be making lots of sci-fi stuff, but something happened right back from the early Bryce days: I started to look at trees and nature, the sky etc. in a new manner, or more intensely at least. I've always been a big fan of beautiful landscapes, and instead of sci-fi, I began a "quest" for 3D landscaping and beliveable environments.
Over the years, the 3D rendering has more or less taken over my creative endeavours. Vue became my application of choice from the start of 2003, with Poser, XFrog and Onyxtree as auxilliary programs. Plus a whole arsenal of new and ancient freeware, to be mentioned are Bantam3D Grass and Plantstudio.
- Lars Braad Andersen, 2010
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Comments (46)
Lovely image as usual Lars, that water is gorgeous!
Wonderful lighting and Details!
Lars this is soooo beautiful and peaceful, love all the many thoughtful details to make this scene a peaceful fairytale
A most excellent work, very detailed with many things to discover. I especially appreciate the stair and the stones to the right. The border between the large house and the fundament could need some irregularities, to weld it more natural into the scene but that is pettifoggery. Most of all I like that Lars is making real paintings, and not NVIATWAS's. :)
Genial, Lars!
That is absolutely magical. Don't know how many projects i have started with that set, only to scrap them.. I am very impressed!
A lovely moody scene, wonderful composition/details and lighting.
Very cool!
Absolutely magical!!!
mos t excellent well done
Such a complexe scene so beautifully crafted. I wish it was bigger to appreciate the details more :) wonderful!
Wonderful....peaceful scene.....excellent work.
This has GOT to be one of your best (and you've got a lot of 'em, buddy!) When I saw this I had to stop for a moment to take it all in. Absolutely fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
Great arrangement and details !!!
Beautiful and magically scene - fantastic amount of detail - most excellent work
great scene with excellent details
my god, that is gorgeous.
Peaceful render! Really good!
Exceptional work!!!!
This is amazing & gorgeous!
A masterpiece with lovely details and great light! So peaceful!
Wow! Fantastic render!! Very moody.
Incredible scene, so rich and complex. I could happily live in this world you've created. 5++++
Simply amazing! You have such an elegant way with Vue. This is your most impressive work to date I think. The entire scene is incredible! It definitely needs to be viewed full size.
Great composition and love the water settings.
Good gracious! What I wouldn't give for a few hours under your tutelage and guidance. The lighting is very realistic and I particularly appreciate the large (what look to me like) beeches in the background. It seems like you have been heavily influenced by Alan Lee’s ‘Lord of the Rings’ designs, which seem to have become synonymous with people’s ideas of elves across the internet. I have given this excellent piece a score of '5' as I cannot see any room for improvement.
Beautiful landscape !
Fantastic rich scene. I really like the beautiful composition, lighting and colors.
Spectacular light in this scene - it's truly an amazing work! Vashek
Gorgeous image. Rich detail and beautiful render. Wonderful composition and lighting. Awesome.