My Name is René, born 03-April-1955
i come from the Grand -Duchy of Luxembourg,and my wife UteBigSmile and me have been living in spain the last 17 years,where we discovered renderosity and the 3d world.
Due to health reasons i lost my job and i got retired early,and last year (2013)we moved back to our Home Country!
My hobbys are PC,Internet,Pc-Configurations,
reading fantasy,as well as from april of 2008 doing 3drenders. ............................................... As my father bought me only the cheapest of accessories for painting in school(he was maybe not able to afford more expensif stuff.),the other kids were laughing at me,and so i decided that: i will never do art in my life,imagine i was 8 years old. so i managed to build up a "blockade",concerning art until april of 2008. then my wife utebigsmile was behind me and she pushed me to do something instead of playing only my ego shooters and working with photographs,where i was unable to get inspired. I had a copy of poser but i did not came along with the program,then i went to a 3d forum,because i told myself ,there must be more people like me outside in the cyberspace(LOL). Finally i got an offer,Bryce 5.5 for free and Daz-Studio,i tried a week around and little by little i was able to understand the basics. so i upgraded my bryce to version 6 and i got a platinum membership on daz, a lot of freebies and cheap articles,i bought like wild, Now i do have a content of +-500gigs and i carry on . what gave me the most is this feedback from the people here,and also everything well educated, the whole way of getting along with each other,the respect etc... gives me soo much. Update:UteBigSmile is getting better and better,in health and in spirit-lol. She does wonderful graphs as well-but now she is also addicted on DazStudio.3d. And this is it for now, "God" bless you all here the link to my page:
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Comments (58)
fabulous work my friend :D
Cool Christmas image, beautiful work!!!!
Das ist ja ein süßes Christmas Bild, so kunterbunt, herrliche Farben zu Weihnachten. In meiner Kindheit hatte man ja ganz bunte Christbäume. Heute sind sie meißtens ganz lila oder rot!!!Ein so lebendiges Bild, toll Rene und Danke :-).
What a cute and colourful x-mas pic :-) Well done .
ja rene kann doch ein weihnachtsbild zaubern und das sieht grossartig aus und lustig noch dazu ,das macht richtig gute laune danke rene gruss manni
Wirklich schöne Weihnachtsgrüße! Absolut knackig bund und ein echter Hingucker!
Beautiful snow scene Rene! Absolutely enchanting! Well done! Steve ;o)
Great looking image with wonderful effects here Rene, a nice dedi for sure.
eekdog Online Now!
christmas is beautiful in spacko land, great job rene. merry christmas / steve
very fun render René!
Wonderful chrismas image, love it :)
Wonderful Christmas image!! Merry Christmas to you and Ute.
So cool!! Glad to see there is a Vila Mrs.Clause.. Merry XMas to you both!!
Cool, fun scene, great work
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND UTE Wonderful christmas image.
Merry Christmass Rene and Ute!!!! i love this cutie pie wonderful! :)
Wow Rene....This is ...

very cute!! happy holiday's!
Cool looking scene, Rene Nice work
Schrill und wie ich es mag. Die ganze Packung LEBEN. Frohes Fest dir und deinen Lieben.
awwww so beautiful!!!
Looks like a couple of houses on my street, I think they can be seen from space! Now, does the "3 second rule" apply to pizza dropped on the streets of Spacko??? Here's to you and Ute having a wonderful Christmas, Rene, and thank you both for all the joy you bring to this communtiy.
Pizza sounds so good right now. But town is 30 miles away, its cold & been raining for days, besides, Yucca Valley is still small enough that most places are closed still at this time. Than God I live on the out-way-outskirts of Joshua Tree. Oh, btw. Our roads are gone. But they make swell sand lakes! Roflmao! ")))
Das ist aber super Fluff-Fluff, damit kommste bestimmt in die Charts - lach! Bussi von Mecker-Utchen
a fun and very colorful scene. if it's cold enough outside, dropped pizza is fine to eat... :)
Very nice and colorful, quite an adorable scene!
Ah very beautiful Xmas scene! Thanks for the link!
What a winter scene!! Excellent image Rene!!
Na das nenne ich mal ne tolle Idee, klasse Farben, das macht richtig Freude beim anschauen.
Wonderful Christmas scene, Rene!!!!! Merry Christmas!