Mon, Feb 17, 9:19 PM CST


Photography Humor posted on Dec 18, 2010
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The woman sat in the back of her tiny booth located away from the main crowds. She was shaping a block of clay into the beginnings of a face. Her art hung from the other two walls of the booth. A sign read, "Please do not bargain on the price. This is how I make my living." Another sign announced that her figures were not satanic or supernatural. They were just for fun. There were no frills, no beads or feathers or costumes. Just a middle-aged woman in pants and shirt. She was friendly enough but never stopped working while we talked. She signed her work but I'll be darned if I can read it. I am a person who appreciates art that is different. I also like art that is odd. So now I have a household guardian hanging near the door to protect my hovel.

Comments (19)



9:08PM | Sat, 18 December 2010

Now this is really cool



9:28PM | Sat, 18 December 2010

it looks like a oatmeal cookie that has gone to the evil side lol. I love this, she did awesome work and this is a cool capture too. nice shot



9:30PM | Sat, 18 December 2010

Fantastic.. both her work and your capture of it!



11:01PM | Sat, 18 December 2010

This is great! I love that wicked smile



12:25AM | Sun, 19 December 2010

That is just fabulous! I love the story. She was very straight forward and I love her wonderfully "odd" piece of work. "Odd" pieces seem to be the coolest to me. This one has a wonderfully wicked smile. Wonderful capture and continue to enjoy it!



12:34AM | Sun, 19 December 2010

Your "guard" has something from a Alien (eyes), Voodoo (nose - chicken claw) and devil (horns). At the same time however a smile from ear to ear. Or… a Schoko Cornflakes with face. The fantasy flies. A very interesting face. It may protect you.


1:15AM | Sun, 19 December 2010

Very nice art!


3:38AM | Sun, 19 December 2010

a real feat of imagination, superb piece of art



3:41AM | Sun, 19 December 2010

A wonderful smile, great capture! :)



3:43AM | Sun, 19 December 2010

Fabulous! I think I should have found a soulmate in this woman! And I had an old friend, now dead, who looked SO much like this I can't now imagine why I went out with him. Mmm, on second thoughts maybe it was the Triumph Tourer with the dickie seat.



5:21AM | Sun, 19 December 2010

Creepy but COOL!!!



8:55AM | Sun, 19 December 2010

Great capture !fantastic shot !



11:32AM | Sun, 19 December 2010

Absolutely FREAKY! She has a creative mind, and you've provided a wonderful capture of her intent!



12:39PM | Sun, 19 December 2010

Well captured image, fascinating tale to go along with it.



4:03PM | Sun, 19 December 2010

I love the eyes the best in this charming creature. They look wise and friendly and I'm sure visitors at your door will be welcomed by that big grin as well. Brilliant art!!! Clever your for finding it and taking it home.



5:03PM | Sun, 19 December 2010

intriguing and fascinating creation...and a bit scary those eyes!



7:12AM | Mon, 20 December 2010

Entry at your own risk ... LOL Odd is good and a cool acquisition, in my eyes ! those eyes have got it and THAT smile - sold me! BB



5:37AM | Wed, 22 December 2010

Great Image very much a forest creature



12:04AM | Thu, 23 December 2010

Wise and mischievous! The light and reflections in the eyes give life to his expression. Fantastic smile and great nose. Very interesting story about the artist. Excellent art and capture!

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