Sat, Feb 8, 2:21 PM CST

Hurting - Nevada for Val (Godin)

Mixed Medium Portraits posted on Jul 24, 2010
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Needs to be seen full size for the texture work. Once again, this is Val's Nevada character in her V4 form. I used her in 'Reptile Rapture' but was not really happy with the results. I wanted to have another go with this character. Hope you like her this way Val. Something different from me. I do not often do portraits and if so they always rely on lots of fine detail, bold colors and shadow depth. This image was largely an experiment to see if I could create a particular mood with just a simple portrait and a very few props. Structured around a basic pose and expression, I wanted to use textures and bold lines to convey the feeling and not rely on fine render details, splashy colors or shadow work. This is a lesson in using a lot of photoshop, hence it was put into mixed media. Poser was only used to create the objects of the composition and to give them an underlying texture (in the dragon's case, quite extreme texture). Nevada, the dragon and the palm were each rendered as a separate layer so I could maximize control of each one of them in photoshop. Believe it or not there was something like 15 layers in the finished version of this piece, not counting all the experimental layers that got nuked along the way. I used textures created in photoshop to provide the overall parchment feel and then Ron's Stains and Ron's Aging Dirt and Grit to paint in the slightly gritty, grungy textures. The poster style was created with several photoshop filters and then the textures enhanced once again with Ron's Aging, Dirt and Grit brushes. Previous
"Reptile Rapture"

Comments (52)



10:33AM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Great one Roxy! I like the overall painted looking style. Her expression is very good, deep with emotion.



10:36AM | Sat, 24 July 2010

and the slightly gritty grungy effect ñooks very well.stunning composition.a fav to me. a nice weekend to you hon.



10:38AM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Unusual and beautiful!Wonderful textures and composition! You suceeded in conveying the emotion of sadness really well.



10:49AM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Nice to see a post Roxy. Sure diff from your normal style. Great portrait with mood


eekdog Online Now!

11:02AM | Sat, 24 July 2010

succesful image roxy, looks super hon.



11:07AM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Excellent,like te postwork on this!!



11:19AM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Lot of work but the final result is great.



11:22AM | Sat, 24 July 2010

I simply love the results you got from this one Roxy, and your right about that texture work here it is fabulous.



11:27AM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Dragooon! Dragon, dragon, dragon dances happily And hes' a big one! He almost appears as if he is looking on in empathy--would u do a dragon pic just for me, one where the creature appears to be smilin'? With a sepia siren in it? LOL! Just kiddin'...sorta..... Textures here rawk as well as the lighting and mood capture--all around well done!....



11:32AM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Today an illustration from multitalented Roxanne, proving that she also can handle the pen and the brush! Of course, this is ideally suited to print and to be syndicated all over newspapers etc. Maybe she will end up as the female Harold Foster! (creator of Prince Valiant). This is excellent but belong in the 2D gallery IMO, not in mixed media!



11:45AM | Sat, 24 July 2010

This is beautiful and expressive and simply wonderful. The textures and pose and expression are incredible. Really really well done!



11:57AM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Very beautiful and moving scene, Roxy! This should be enlarged and framed and hanging on a wall



11:58AM | Sat, 24 July 2010

This is simply amazing! Very well done!!!!!!!


Starlift Online Now!

12:39PM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Beautiful job - great texturing!



12:51PM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Wonderful portrait..nice work!!



12:54PM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Beautiful portrait of Nevada. The extra touch of the texture anf filter work makes it even more beautiful. Great job Roxy. Different is good.



12:56PM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Marvelous work with this!! I admire your patience and determination to get it just so! A beautiful result and I love the textures and filters you used!



12:59PM | Sat, 24 July 2010

A very nice result, Roxy. It's nice to see that you stepped a little bit out of your normal style and created this wonderful masterpiece. It's always good to indulge with something new.



3:18PM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Fabulous work!!!



3:31PM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Lovely work!



3:45PM | Sat, 24 July 2010




4:46PM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Nicely done. Has a real comic book feel to it.



4:47PM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Outstanding work!nice lighting.



5:50PM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Awesome render and effect... beautiful seth



6:26PM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Splendid portrait my dear friend, gorgeous image!


RodS Online Now!

7:10PM | Sat, 24 July 2010

Roxy, I really, really, REALLY like this! I love all your art, but this one really strikes a chord for some reason. The 2D look is really perfect for this, and it gives it a whole new character. Magnificent! IMHO, I think Poser/Daz combined with Photoshop/Gimp/PSP is like a marraige made in heaven. All of the above are great by themselves, but when you combine them, especially in the hands of a talented artist (such as you), an even more fantastic image is sure to come out of the oven. And what a fun ride it is!



12:57AM | Sun, 25 July 2010

Cool effect. Beautiful portrait!!



1:26AM | Sun, 25 July 2010

I feel her pain.....very expresive. I like how the effect worked out..great work



4:11AM | Sun, 25 July 2010

Great portrait and style! Nice to do something different!



5:12AM | Sun, 25 July 2010

wonderful work on this one

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