Thu, Feb 6, 8:04 AM CST

Approach Vector

Vue Science Fiction posted on May 25, 2010
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"The records are too garbled, degraded by time and radiation. I cannot decipher how long it was that the vessels drifted in stand-by mode; although the prodigious distances involved indicate a span of many millions of years must have passed before the last two known Skrellian Seed-ships fell into the Inthandonian Star System. It's probable that passive sensors scanning the vast depths of space finally detected an oxygen atmosphere on a viable planet. The logs show that automated navigation mechanisms were reactivated and ancient AI's reawakened. The ageing and decrepit fusion drives came back on line and fired up in a braking manoeuvre that - even decelerating at a life crushing 50 gees - took many years to complete. Legends made by the earliest Deggians refer to new twin stars that slowly changed position and grew brighter before disappearing in the blink of an eye - there can be little doubt these legends are describing the incandescent flare of the braking ships. By the time they reached the rocky inner planets, the Skrell vessels had slowed enough to finally attempt a landing. The decaying fusion drives switched off forever and the arrayed N-field power generators began feeding their awesome energies into the forward energy shields. Most of the original Skrellian armada had perished when their shields had collapsed during the nova blast of the Skrell Homestar, but the shields of the two survivors were easily able to deal with the comparatively minor stresses of aero-braking and atmospheric entry. Air compressing before the generated shields was heated to white hot plasma as the last Skrellian Starships began their approach vectors over the vast desert continent of Deggia. In a flare of ionised gases they dropped out of space and into the history of Inthandonia�. Excerpt from the treatise "The Skrellian Atrocity: Origins of the Wizard Wars" from the Collected Grimoires of Bolgaradol Smekter, Uber-wizard of the First Age. ******* Please view in full size for maximum enjoyment. Models created with trueSpace 7.6, 2d texturing and minor post work done with the GIMP. Rendered using Vue 6 Pro Studio. Check out for related art.

Comments (4)



8:27AM | Tue, 25 May 2010

Excellent sci fi!



12:28PM | Tue, 25 May 2010

Amazing work, ande such imagination!



4:10PM | Tue, 25 May 2010

excellent effects!



7:04AM | Mon, 07 June 2010

Very cool effects. The story continues apace...

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