The Trouble With Cats.... by WZRD
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The following day Sam and Amy depart from Lyto. Their path takes them toward the mysterious chasm known as Gremmel's Gorge. As they approach the looming cliffs their path is crossed by a Black Cat.
The trouble with cats is that they are... otherworldly. They exist on both the physical and non physical planes. This is why cats can see things that people can't. This is how cats can appear to move from one place to another without having to actually cross the intervening space in between.
Cats are also very improbable creatures - as they walk across someones path they leave a small corridor of distorted probability in their wake. Some folk say crossing this corridor will lead to good fortune - others say it leads to ill fortune. All agree it will lead to a different fortune, to unexpected outcomes and often to magick.
Of course on a planet such as Inthandonia, with it's naturally enhanced magickal background energy, the improbabilities generated by crossing a black cats path can be very powerful indeed.....
In this world modelling a convincing cat is surprisingly difficult - it took me longer to create the cat than it did to create the much larger caravan!
The modelling was done in various versions of trueSpace 7.x, rendering was done in Vue 6 Pro Studio and 2d texture work was done using the GIMP and Irfanview.
Comments (15)
Very good modelling and render.
looks great wzrd :)!
Great render! A lot of details, the sun rays in the background for example....and a nice story!
Excellent image.
On with the tail... er, tale. ;) I love the close-up view of the wagon. Excellent tale telling and illustration!!
Beautiful, detailled image!
I like the composition and pov on this, very well done.
Nicely put together composition!
This is great! Well done!!
Beautiful texturing
great scene with excellent pov
kftate Online Now!
Very cool image and great story! Excellent!!
That cat sure look like it's superior and I think the fur looks very realistic, go the Mystical Cat ! Neat POV, modelling and texturing ! Well done & ~Cheers~