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Fractal Fractal posted on Jul 07, 2009
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They slithered along the years, slowly, feeding off my Husband. A parasite, and incubus with evil intent. Stealing his love for life. Hand in hand. Cancer. Aortic Aneurysm. Pain. Morphine. We wait helpless for the axe to fall. Thankyou for your kind words on previous image. They mean so much to me and my girls.

Comments (31)



2:28AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

Sorry, Miss Jenny. Love you. Such a beautiful fractal to depict such an odious thief.



2:44AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

oh sweety.. I will pray for both of you every evening, sending you a warm hug for now ! Wonderful fractal



3:00AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

This is such a special work Jenny. I really can see all you describe in it. Our worst monsters are always around when life seems to be tranquil and in calm (unnecessary tips of life I call this....)... I really wish your husband all the best and lots of strength for you and your family. Remember with love all is possible ;O). Hugs, Elizabeth.



3:03AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

Ohh, a stunning and apt image. Best wishes.



3:24AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

Jenny i wish yo and family much power in this difficult time Can not explain me self really good in English so as you know, but wish you all the power that you need.



3:58AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

I don't know what I can say. But I only can praise your courage and power.



4:31AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

Oh Jenny... ...I only can pray and send you loving thoughts...



7:13AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

Excellent Fe Talis my friend. I know how these struggles are, been there, you know if The Powers that Be spent half as much money on actual Medical Research as they do on Senseless Wars we could probably eradicate many of the Plagues of Humanity. Peace



7:15AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

Sending Warm, Positive thoughts to you, my dear Friend. And, yes this image depicts all that you said....



7:37AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

My prayers will be with you and your family during this difficult time. Your image speaks volumes.



9:09AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

This work is Fantastic.



10:26AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

super image that speaks for itself. What a blessing that you have that gift and can find some inner peace. Wish you strength and send love and prayers to your husband.



11:04AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

Yeah, what Louise said. I'm so sorry to hear this, Jenny. My thoughts are with you.



11:41AM | Tue, 07 July 2009

So sorry Jen to hear these sad words, I think its a disgrace and god should be ashamed of himself for letting all this happen! I kid you not its a damned disgrace!! My thoghts are with you jen!! Image what can I say tyou know hoe your work Affects me!! Wonderful image!



12:36PM | Tue, 07 July 2009

Fantastic and creative realization my friend Jenny.....!!!



1:08PM | Tue, 07 July 2009

my thoughts are with you i went through the same misery when my mom was diagnosed super image



2:51PM | Tue, 07 July 2009

Wonderful composition and atmosphere, Jenny!!!



8:17PM | Tue, 07 July 2009

A splendid representation of life under the guise of health. Splendid work. My prayers are with you.



9:24PM | Tue, 07 July 2009

Your description really suits this amazing work but it is so sad. I have a sister who is trying to cope with cancer at the moment and this says it all. Such a thief. We also are waiting for the axe.



4:50AM | Wed, 08 July 2009

Excellent work, very expressive. My reaction on your sad message comes seperately. I wish you much power and inner peace in this very difficult time.



9:50AM | Wed, 08 July 2009

a powerful and angry image... and rightfully so. I'm so sorry for your pain and trouble. you and your family are in my thoughts. warm hugs I wish you peace.



10:23AM | Wed, 08 July 2009

You and your family are in my prayers and in my heart. May you have the strength you need as you travel your dark road. I've been on it myself, and it's so horribly hard. May peace and light be yours..



12:31PM | Wed, 08 July 2009

My prayers are with you and your family. I have the same thing-cancer and a aortic anneurism. I am lucky and have no pain and the cancer is in check but to get the anneurism repaired I have to go off chemo so I haven't made up my mind what to do. Blessings



3:30PM | Wed, 08 July 2009

What sad news. My thoughts are with you and your family, wishing you and yours all the strength.



10:33PM | Wed, 08 July 2009

Mere words cannot describe the impact this image has. It has passion and an intense energy. I wish you the best and shall hold prayers in my heart for you both. Always look beyond the appearances for that is where the light of the future is waiting.



2:58AM | Thu, 09 July 2009

lovely and touching..My prayers are with you Jen x



5:37PM | Sat, 11 July 2009

You have used your creativity to find some beauty in despair! Stay strong.



2:51PM | Tue, 14 July 2009

i talk of the image: it is amazing, very African, the soul of Mother Earth. To you: blessings and strength



11:31PM | Tue, 14 July 2009

Oh Jenny, I'm heartsick for you. You're both in my prayers. Love, Linda



11:55PM | Tue, 14 July 2009

So very sorry to hear darlin' Wish you both all the best and lots of strength to beat this illness HUGZ

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