Organic vs. Mechanic 1 by j-art
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Short Bio: Fantasy Artist Uwe Jarling was born in 1968. After graduating with a diploma degree in graphic design 1991 he worked as a illustrator and graphic designer further on. His first works were countless covers for videos, books, ... and many technical and architectural illustrations for advertising agencies. An important step in his further development followed in 2000 where he started to develop his "Fantasy Artwork" more seriously and did his first attempts creating his art on a computer. Since 2003 almost all of his work is painted digitally for clients all over the world mainly in the Fantasy Art genre. Uwe lives and works in a little village in the south of Germany. Tools used: Fantasy Artist Uwe Jarling is a traditional artist using traditional media like oils, watercolors and mainly gouache, but the last years he did the step into creating his art digital. The last 3 years 98% of his images are created using digital tools. Uwe experimented with several digital tools 3d as well as 2d. For 3d he experimented with 3d max, Poser, Vue, Bryce and more nice 3d applications, but as it doesn�t fit him too well he decided to work mainly using 2d digital tools. For his 2d digital images Uwe uses mainly the software Painter, currently version 9, so most of his paintings are now done with Painter. For color corrections of his images or several effects Uwe uses Photoshop. All his latest images are done using Painter 9 and some Painter 9 and Photoshop CS in combination. Uwe currently �paints� on a Macintosh G5 using a pressure sensitive Wacom tablet.
Uwe was voted for January�s 2006 Renderosity Artist of the Month. Read the AOM interview here:
And one last thing to know, Uwe feels very strange to write about him self in third person, haha! Have a great time all, and thanks again for the AOM, for all your support and votes, you are the best! For prints of my work follow these links:
High-Quality Prints from ComplexARTS
Fantasy Art, Fine Art, Illustration - Jarling-Arts Shop
Happy painting Uwe
Fantasy Art, Fine Art, Illustration - Fantasy Artist Uwe Jarling
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Comments (66)
wonderfully icky! the spiders are a nice touch. very impressive Zbrush work.
Nice Z-brush work!!!
Really cool - wish i could understand the z-brush :)
Wonderful artwork, it looks amazing!
This is absolutely amazing! I really hope to see more of this style. You have the eye and feel of the true artist, which is essential to make images which are created by 3D-programs into a unique piece of artwork!
That is so splendid--the depth makes a huge difference in how real it looks, and I love the textures--what a great contrast between the metal and the soft wet organic textures! It's so much fun to see the details as well, thank you for posting those!
Wow, thats all I have to say is wow.
WoW great terminator graveyard!....Fantastic artwork!
very fine modeling and image!
F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C. 5+.
Well done sir! I am impressed.
WOW awesome you rock on zbrush
Don't have Z-brush, but you make me wish I could afford it. Good work!
Es un trabajo extraordinario, ojalá pudieras comentar un poco más sobre cómo es trabajar con zbrush yo tengo experiencia con 3dmax pero he visto algunos trabajos acá que son impresionantes hechos con zbrush, un excelente trabajo el que compartes, lleno de detalles, de calidad y talento, muy bien hecho!
This is outstanding! All of the postwork after ZBrush really brings the image to life.
Fantastic work.
Gooey and with spiders too! Outstanding work and render. Nice to see all the stages.
Great stuff here, the one B/W with depth applied is probably my fav and could very well stand on it's own. After the Mechanics fail to function and succumb to rust the Organics will be there to use the detritus to grow stronger still. Peace
Absolutely mind-blowingly cool!!
oh wow, that is outstanding!
Fantastic scene, amazingly well done.
Truly impressive! Fantastic detail and great finishing.
Excellent. Since I am learning to use 3d modelling application, I can appreciate how tricky this is and how well you have done. Congratulations.
Very creepy.. but the steps are fascinating.
I see you found a 2.5D aspect to work with in zb and what a way to go!Brilliant looking array of fleshy substance and mechanics.Seeing you've uploaded is always a lift and enjoyment follows promtly everytime the window reveals your talents.Look forward to more,more more!!cal