Thu, Feb 6, 8:04 AM CST

Three Amigos

Poser Fantasy posted on Mar 03, 2009
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OK, I'm in the home stretch! Nothing fancy composition wise, just a WIP of the dark texture, and some of the body shapes. From the left is bulk with some bodybuilder, Hiro in the center, and beerbelly with some heavy on the right. Rendered in P7, composited in CS3 with a bit of the Unsharp Mask filter applied. --Credits-- IBL Darks by 4Blueyes @ DAZ Michael 4 Skin Maps (High Res)by Mint @ DAZ WoodGod Poses by Digiport and InfinityRain Thanks for viewing!

Comments (25)



10:38PM | Tue, 03 March 2009

The guy with the beer belly should put a shirt on! I love this outfit, by the way. Awesome stuff.



10:42PM | Tue, 03 March 2009

Brilliant! This is a really cool outfit!



11:10PM | Tue, 03 March 2009

Looking good!



11:12PM | Tue, 03 March 2009

LOL I saw the thumb and had to see the full sized. I know your showing off your textures and body shapes(excellent work by the way) but the guy on the right made me laugh. Thank you for the laugh!



11:34PM | Tue, 03 March 2009

LOL! Great title. Man, the texture work looks FABULOUS! And your fit to diverse body shapes looks great. This whole thing is shaping up most impressively.



1:30AM | Wed, 04 March 2009

I so don't want the beer belly dude rescuing me LMAO



1:51AM | Wed, 04 March 2009

FANASTIC image!!! Love all three of them! Hey, gotta remember, not everyone out there is a body builder! :-D Love the way the textures are coming along!



2:06AM | Wed, 04 March 2009

Fantastic characters! LOVE the costume! Hey and that guy on the end kinda reminds me of...... ME! DUCKS



2:27AM | Wed, 04 March 2009

Wonderful title :)) Cool outfit and textures!



2:45AM | Wed, 04 March 2009

Fantastic! Love the fur on the vest and boots!



6:27AM | Wed, 04 March 2009

Superbe triplette. Un trio magnifique qui se complète. Superbe image et excellent rendu.



7:12AM | Wed, 04 March 2009

They are all cute;-) Love those textures!



9:03AM | Wed, 04 March 2009

The dude on the right wins hands down! These are awesome!



10:10AM | Wed, 04 March 2009

This looks great so far! A winning clothing package!


10:19AM | Wed, 04 March 2009

The textures look great. It's really coming together. Big hugz



4:08PM | Wed, 04 March 2009

The outfit looks excellent. Great textures. Which one is you? 8-) By the way, shouldn't it be Tres Amigos? 8-) Fantastic job.



4:13PM | Wed, 04 March 2009

real funny! you made me smile. cheers! ;)



5:11PM | Wed, 04 March 2009

Wow such a happy gang there ! What i can say.. is there a movie coming? sure would love to see these fellows in some sort of animation :) Excellent morphing and textures !



9:37AM | Thu, 05 March 2009

LOL! How'd I get in your render? Xcellent work!



5:13PM | Thu, 05 March 2009

Xcellent rendering!



10:25AM | Sat, 07 March 2009

Ha that is too much awesome view point Ha!



12:16AM | Sun, 08 March 2009




3:02PM | Sun, 08 March 2009

LOL Love it Jeff! As soon as I get a free paycheck and pick up Hiro and/or M4, I'm gonna be able to do more with this! :D



12:56AM | Tue, 10 March 2009

I really, really want this outfit!



9:18PM | Tue, 17 March 2009

GREAT WORK!!! I hope to see soon at DAZ!!I Want it!!!

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