Mon, Feb 10, 7:43 PM CST

Playing With Trucks

Photography Transportation posted on Nov 21, 2008
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Trying to capture moving trucks at night. The noise seems to be one of my problems (ISO=1250), Have added "Noise Ninja" to my photoshop filters but not sure of how to make it work for me & actually how much noise it can fix. So if anybody has some words of wisdom or any little tip it would be greatly appreciated. Thanx for dropping by & wish you all a super weekend / Ralph

Comments (14)



10:40PM | Fri, 21 November 2008

Some interesting experiments presented in a well done collage. I need to do some experimenting too. What happens when you lower your ISO from 1250? I know the books say the higher the ISO, the more noise. I'll be interested to see what answers you get. Bill



11:13PM | Fri, 21 November 2008

The only noise I can think of would be the roar of those trucks--great shots!!



11:14PM | Fri, 21 November 2008

Oh crud. Now you guys are causing me a case of camera envy. My ISO only goes to 400.



11:17PM | Fri, 21 November 2008

The only time I ever saw noise was when I tired to use the zoom function on my mom's camera. Fortunately, Corel Paint Shop Pro has a neat function that reduces digital camera noise Great pictures and I hardly noticed any noise to speak of



12:33AM | Sat, 22 November 2008

Fantastic shot.



2:25AM | Sat, 22 November 2008

Excellent capture! :)



3:24AM | Sat, 22 November 2008

got me on that one, but great photoes



3:32AM | Sat, 22 November 2008

great "playing"! Super photos!



3:34AM | Sat, 22 November 2008

A brilliant collage, I find this so clever but don't have a clue what you mean about noise in a photo! I am an extreme amateur though lol



6:03AM | Sat, 22 November 2008

Excellent experiment - You don't actually need high-speed settings for this kind of time lapse shot. Lower speed setting are much less grainy. 400 should easily be enough.



7:24AM | Sat, 22 November 2008

What fun!


9:30AM | Sat, 22 November 2008

wow excellent .. if I tried this everything would be a blur lol ...



11:45AM | Sat, 22 November 2008

Wish I could give ya some tips, but I'm not too good with this kind of technical stuff. When I take night shots, I just use a tripod and fix the shooter with a delay between 4 to 10 secs. Usually I get good results.



12:08AM | Sun, 23 November 2008

Wow! That's so cool. I love it!!!

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