Sat, Feb 8, 2:17 PM CST


Fractal Abstract posted on Nov 05, 2008
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Ultrafractal 4.04 Well I just couldn't leave the geofractals alone! A guy e-mailed me for tips on using the IFS Barnsley+Jock III formula (jock.ufm) and that got me all fired up again. So I dug through some wip's and got all wound up and this is what happened. Liked it so much I just HAD to show somebody, so... It's got a vibe sorta like a sinking ship and the first thing that came to mind was the Potemkin. Googled and found that the ship didn't sink but was the site of a famous mutiny over lack of food allowed to the sailors. But the name stuck because I like the sound of it, it IS a ship, and also I think it's the name of the starship Chekov becomes captain of in one of the Star Trek movies so "Potemkin" it be - lol. Thanks for stopping by and for SO much wonderful support and encouragement for so many years. You have no idea how much y'all have meant to me... Rick :-) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***(Fine art giclee' prints of most of my work are available in limited edition on archival paper or canvas - e-mail: and get busy filling that empty spot on the wall! Unique, "one-of-a-kind" (edition size = 1) prints and embellished prints are also available*** :-) ***This image is solely the copyright of Richard B. Spix III and is in no way to be considered "public domain" in any form or usage without the artist's permission with the exception of as, non-distributable personal desktop computer wallpaper of a single user or in journal collections on this site.*** (I hate this stuff, too, but what can we do?)

Comments (39)



12:04PM | Fri, 07 November 2008

Excellent work!



1:53PM | Fri, 07 November 2008

Wonderful and excellent work!!!!



8:22PM | Fri, 07 November 2008

I am so glad that you dug this one out. It is awesome! Thanks for sharing.



10:59AM | Sat, 08 November 2008

This is so cool...great job!



12:21AM | Sun, 09 November 2008

Nice colours.



8:13PM | Sun, 09 November 2008

Congratulations! This image has been chosen for the Fractal Window Weekly in the Fractal SubCommunity. You will find the announcement in the Fractal Forum.



4:00AM | Mon, 10 November 2008




9:06PM | Sun, 23 November 2008




10:01AM | Thu, 04 December 2008

Kandinsky´s fractal!!! I think so. Good abstract art!!! Splendid image! congratulations!

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