Tue, Feb 18, 12:30 AM CST

COS2: Merylith Nytesong & Buraun Goldrivver

Poser Fantasy posted on Aug 10, 2008
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Recurring characters from the City of Splendors, a Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms campaign set in Waterdeep. “‘Harpers and their secret meetings… what a waste of time!’ Buraun thought to himself. But there she was, perched on the well’s rim, just like the message had said. ‘She could have just walked into my shop and said, “I’m a Harper and I need you help.” But, no! Someone had to leave a note telling me to meet her here.’ Bards are a nib a dozen in Waterdeep, and they were all on the street singing for their suppers, but he had to admit she was good, and a looker… for a skinny, pointy-eared type. Unlike most dwarves, Buraun appreciated feminine beauty in all its forms, and a wide smile grew on his face as he let his eyes roam over her slender figure and beautiful features. ‘Maybe this will not be such a waste of good stout after all,’ the thought as he set the tankard down beside her. Merylith had watched the dwarf since he left the tavern with the tankard of stout… Not an unusual sight to be sure. While he approached the well, she found herself admiring his muscular frame and handsome, if rough hued, features, and had to admit, she liked what she saw. As he sat the tankard on the well’s rim beside her, the “secret signal” to identify her Waterdeep contact, she couldn’t help but notice his eyes roam over her and his wide grin, and though to herself, ‘This might not be such a boring mission after all.’ She had come to appreciate comely males of all races, even half-orcs, who made up for their looks with other “attributes”, and wondered if it was true that dwarves weren’t short in stature every where…” The daughter of a bard and former Harper agent, Merylith was raised in Everlund, and followed in her mother’s footsteps, but never new her father. Her mother would only say that she didn’t need to be concern with him, because she would never meet him… She hoped that meant that he had gone to Evermeet in the Retreat, never to return, because the other option was far less pleasant. As a Harper agent, Merylith travels the north gathering information and acting as a courier, often weaving secret messages into the songs she performs in taverns and public squares. A Waterdeep native, and member of the Most Careful Order of Skilled Smiths & Metal forgers, Buraun runs a small, but profitable, gold smith in the Castle Ward near the Clawing Spider tavern, which he lives beneath. Believing that what is good for the people is good for business, he acts as a contact for Harper agents, providing shelter, supplies and local knowledge, but seldom becoming involved in their missions directly. Sent to Waterdeep to keep an eye on the Tel Teukiira (Moonstars) by high ranking Harpers who doubted the loyalty of local Harper agents, Merylith found her own loyalties being torn between the two so similar groups. However, she continues to report to Moongleam Tower on what little activity she can detect. Meanwhile, Buraun found himself becoming more deeply involved with Merylith’s mission, and Merylith, then he had with other Harper agents. A pair of recurring characters I didn't get to render in my first pass through the City of Splendors. I thought getting her perched on the well was going to the be hard part... but it was nothing compared to getting her hands posed to look like she's playing the lute! Credits: Victoria 4.2 by DAZ with mats & head morphs (set to 50%) from Nyte Elf for Victoira 4 by vexiphne & Adiene and head morphs (set to 50%) from Lexi for V4 by Freja & Adiene, Rievel Hair by April YSH, Forentine Hunt by nirvy & aoalo, Musical Lyre by DAZ & Darkwhisper, pose (modified) from DM’s Chronicles by Danie & marforno, FREAK & pose by DAZ with mats from Nurah and Sayo 2 Texture Pack by ilona & lluque, Fantasy Beard and Hair by Anton Kisiel, RPG Series Part 1 Dwarves by DAZ & John Malis, and Castleguarde by LisaB.

Production Credits

DMs Chronicles
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$15.75 USD

Comments (21)



8:02AM | Sun, 10 August 2008

Great render! Very nice pic! 5



8:43AM | Sun, 10 August 2008

Wonderful Image. Excellent Characters, hair, clothing, poses, expressions, lighting and background


Kyronimos Online Now!

8:50AM | Sun, 10 August 2008

Great chars and scene!



8:55AM | Sun, 10 August 2008

Wow... He looks like the one from L.o.t.R. and she's a beauty... Great story and composition!!



8:57AM | Sun, 10 August 2008




9:56AM | Sun, 10 August 2008

This is in my opinion one of your best images. The poses are wonderful, and I like particularly the ray or light on her face: a great way to set the focus! Best compliments!



10:26AM | Sun, 10 August 2008

Excellent scene! The characters are wonderful. Great setting and lights. Love it!



10:35AM | Sun, 10 August 2008

Excellent posing around the lute, and this scene tells a great story.



10:48AM | Sun, 10 August 2008

Brilliant and the posing is awesome.. two great characters about to have some fun along the way of the adventure before them...



12:04PM | Sun, 10 August 2008




1:05PM | Sun, 10 August 2008

Very nice, well done...



1:15PM | Sun, 10 August 2008

great fantasy characters and lovely light setting....excellent poser!



1:21PM | Sun, 10 August 2008

fantastic scene !!!*****!!!



3:27PM | Sun, 10 August 2008

Absolutely fantastic scene! She's a stunning character (and boy, I hear you about the posing for fingers on the lute!!!! But you did a BEAUTIFUL job!)!! And he's a great dwarven character! Love the costumes on both of them and your lighting is fantastic, as always. VERY nicely done!



3:36PM | Sun, 10 August 2008

By far your best image! Love the characters and composition!



9:22AM | Mon, 11 August 2008

Fantastic work Great poses



9:35AM | Mon, 11 August 2008

Absolutely delightful.. wonderful in every aspect.



7:04PM | Mon, 11 August 2008

Beau travail :)



8:41PM | Mon, 11 August 2008

Fantastic render!!



10:31PM | Mon, 11 August 2008

Wow these two characters really look fantastic, a wonderful job with their outfits!!! I especially love the dwarf!!! Excellent artwork!!! Hugsss Frankie ^_^



5:47PM | Sun, 17 April 2016

Another great dwarf render!!!

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