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No Knowledge

Writers Realism posted on Jun 11, 2008
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First thing I remembered Is that my parents Always seemed to know And then I noticed That the butcher seemed to know And the street sweepers The cashier, longing for Sunday The fishermen, the builders They al seemed to know And then there were policemen The politicians, the judges They certainly seemed to know The priests, the vicars and rabbis The mullah and the Buddhist monks They must be in the know But me, after fifty years of searching I can’t even formulate The right question See, that’s about all That I know ------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for reading and any comments you might have! Love Dirk

Comments (21)



9:05PM | Wed, 11 June 2008

we are the sum of our experiences..that i know



9:16PM | Wed, 11 June 2008




9:31PM | Wed, 11 June 2008

Yeah, I feel the same way. I remember when I was in grade school, it seems like I was surrounded by "big kids." I always figured that they knew. But even when I was in high school, I never felt like I was a big kid, and I certainly never felt like I knew. Like you, I don't even know what most of the questions are.



9:32PM | Wed, 11 June 2008



9:41PM | Wed, 11 June 2008

I've always had a desire to absolutely know, but know next to nothing..absolutely. The desire to know, coupled with exercising faith in what I can't see, brings me a kind of knowledge that can't be measured by empirical evidence, but is knowledge, nonetheless. I am comforted and motivated by this faith that has evolved into personal "knowledge"..and it seems to be enough for me for now. I can see such beauty and complexity in nature, animal life and humanity. I see God all around me and in in almost everyone and everything. Perhaps you are more open and teachable, because you seem to have no sure expectations or preconceived notions. You are surely a seeker of truth and beauty, and "the right question(s)" may be formulated and answered at once as you journey on. ((((Dirk))))



10:23PM | Wed, 11 June 2008

It is not the question but the answer and that is "I am." I think you know more than you say.



1:14AM | Thu, 12 June 2008

as Socrates said : the more I learn, the less I know


3:28AM | Thu, 12 June 2008

just a thought , ... but i know ,absolutely that ...fifty years i see from my own experiences i know nothing about absolutely everything ... start over so it begins ... still waiting for someone to have on them this guidebook on how toooooo let me in on it ... love deliverence



3:50AM | Thu, 12 June 2008

The more you experience the less you actually know...I haven't been around that long, but I've learned that and I've actually started to take some comfort in not means I have a lot to learn and as long as I have stuff to learn, life will always be interesting. I love that about living. Your words actually touch on that quite elegantly and I love that as well! As always, I enjoy seeing your work here, even when I drop into wordless absence for weeks at a time. As always, great stuff!



6:01AM | Thu, 12 June 2008

Without doubts the hope is what motivates the man in this road that plays us to travel during all our life, if it was not the humanity he/she would not be this way right of being. Always I value a lot to their work, so much is poetic as inside the fractals and illustrations, be that here it presents us he/she makes me to tell me it is certain, always in the moments but hard that play us to live, there is a light that guides us and it will take us to sure port...!!! Splendid work my friend....!!!



9:12AM | Thu, 12 June 2008

The smarter I get the less I know. Wisdom is the greatest gift. Not knowledge. I would like to see the photo in a larger format. It is really unique.



10:55AM | Thu, 12 June 2008

I know one thing for sure and that is that the God of the Christian Bible is the creator and redeemer of all mankind. I put my faith in Him and this knowledge.



12:49PM | Thu, 12 June 2008

It is hard to know the answers when we don't even know all the questions. I like to believe there are infinite possibilities! Peace, Lea



6:18PM | Thu, 12 June 2008

The search for knowledge whether it be meaninful to you or me, is always a driving need. Excellent words. Bunny



6:45PM | Thu, 12 June 2008

"And how is not this the most reprehensible ignorance, to think that one knows what one does not know? When I left this man, I reasoned thus with myself: I am wiser than he, for neither of us appears to know anything great and good. But he fancies he knows something, although he knows nothing; whereas I, as I do not know anything, do not fancy I do. In this trifling particular, then, I become the wiser of the two." "This I know...that I know nothing." An evocative image, with many possible interpretations. Both your thoughts/writings, and the image..things of barest beauty. (((Dirk)))



1:37AM | Fri, 13 June 2008

Such an obvious idea, yet sure not one I ever thought about. You always do that with your words and I like that very much.



4:21AM | Fri, 13 June 2008

I'm thinkin' they don't know, either. But hey - I could be totally wrong about that, 'cause I don't really know!



9:10AM | Fri, 13 June 2008

If I translate Gaiadriel's words right she's quoting Socrates. That's exactly what I wanted to do too but I only know the German words. However, it doesn't matter how much somebody knows as long as he's willing to learn more. Your poems make us think and learn something new. What's more to wish.



3:57PM | Fri, 13 June 2008

I love the image and your writing, great stuff here, always. H.


8:14AM | Tue, 17 June 2008

From this perception, there is no wrong question, questions are. Questions are infinite. Knowledge is. Knowledge understands, understanding is singular per individual, similarities but no exacts. In addition, thank you too Dirk, for sharing. As for the picture, I do not understand. What is it?



10:27PM | Tue, 17 June 2008

I am. Am I not?

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