Fri, Feb 7, 8:05 AM CST

The Surprising Elemental

Fractal Abstract posted on Apr 27, 2008
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It is always a wonderful surprise when a gem appears in a render. This is yet another delightful variation that can come from the Web Elements script that Bunny Clarke and I collaborated on. We chose this name because of the spider like webbing that the script produces. Please check out Bunny's page that introduces the Web Elements script. The new scripts will be available through Bunny when they are released. This is a single flame created in Apophysis 3D Hack. The seed script for this flame is the Web Elements script by Bunny Clarke and amota99517 with some minor tweaks by me. Thank you for stopping by to view my art. Thank you for your comments on this image and my previous images. I send a most heart felt thank you to those of you who have favored me as an artist or have favored one of my images. Your visits to my gallery mean a lot to me and make my world a little brighter. I wish you a day filled with gentle heart beats of love... a day of soul kisses for your heart. May you always know joy in all that you think, say or do and that the love you give will return to you ten fold. Namaste © 2008

Comments (48)



4:58PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

wonderful love the colours,details,fluidity



5:10PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

Beautiful colors and use of this script. Will try it soon. ;-)



5:16PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

beautiful thread-like fibers and presentation and framing. the mathematics of fractals escapes me, so kudos for your tech input in a great artistic medium.



5:26PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

Beautiful colors!



5:28PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

This is gorgeous..fantastic colors and a nice change!



5:31PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

This is truly a beautiful variation on it Gayle, so nicely done my friend


5:50PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

Love the colors!!! Nice work!



6:16PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

A very beautiful flame! Lea



6:19PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

Beautiful indeed ... rare agates opened for our wonder. Mike



6:34PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

Really amazing, the color is just fantastic, Gayle, a living fractalization!



6:41PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

Gorgeous design and colors!



6:49PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

I just got the scripts you and Bunny collaberated on! And oh boy are they wonderful! You guys do awesome work! I gotta post one later tonite. This one is plain awesome!



7:05PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

The design flow of these seem to be limitless. Each has its own style and intricate structure system. Beautiful work, Gayle.



7:30PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

Love those colors on this. Splendidly done. Bunny



8:15PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

Such a wonderful web you have woven here and the title is delightful.



10:30PM | Sun, 27 April 2008

Beautiful color and detail.Wonderful work.



12:41AM | Mon, 28 April 2008

Absolutely splendid ! Good choice of scripts & colors !



1:01AM | Mon, 28 April 2008

lovely designed



1:19AM | Mon, 28 April 2008

Very great work. I like it. :-)hugs sessan



1:28AM | Mon, 28 April 2008

Beautiful colours in this one and the pattern is so different to all of your others, yet just as lovely.



1:29AM | Mon, 28 April 2008

Excellent and wonderful Coloring!!!


2:06AM | Mon, 28 April 2008

Ultra-lovely! Excellent!


3:47AM | Mon, 28 April 2008

Love the colors in this one... excellent work!!



5:16AM | Mon, 28 April 2008

Beautiful work ;O)


5:18AM | Mon, 28 April 2008

Beautiful and something electric in the air !!!!!


8:25AM | Mon, 28 April 2008

Beautiful fractal art, I like the colours of this, splendid work!



11:35AM | Mon, 28 April 2008

Absolutely gorgeous



11:49AM | Mon, 28 April 2008

Interesting image!



12:51PM | Mon, 28 April 2008

Awesome electric colors. Beautiful work, Gayle!!!



1:09PM | Mon, 28 April 2008

superb piece love the colours

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